You'll kill a lot more herd bulls when you realize calling is only one of MANY tools in your bag. Usually not the best one when you're after the biggest bulls. With that said, bugling will work more often than cow call in your situation. But in order for that to work you have to be WAY inside his comfort zone first. IMHO if you want to consistently kill herd bulls, you have to get into bow range before you do anything else. Once you're inside that zone then you figure out your best option to get the shot. If you go in calling, you're likely going to keep having the same results you've had.
Just trying to help....sorry it isn't what you wanted to hear.
Called in a great herd bull that was already moving out with his cows a few years back with an out of the box strategy I don't see from the many guys selling the calls/calling programs....but Hey, whatever works for ya.
If you can get in close, most times you will get a whack at the bull circling around his herd every 5 minutes checking cows....and they have no idea you are there.
The last 5 elk Ive killed with a bow I never even had a bugle tube with me
when they do . dog em. stay on them and that lead bull will eventually get pissed enough to fightWell I know you are a calling fan....but have you tried other sneaking in on them without telling them you are there by calling?
Calling is exciting and it makes one feel like they are 'doing something'....but many times in heavily called areas you are driving the elk away. Sometimes the herd bull...or even more important....the lead cow...just doesn't want to deal with another they move off. It happens.
If "just killing an elk with the bow" was the objective, this stuff would be easy.
You also need to recognize the Emotion/Attitude of the bull you've targeted, just because he has cows does not mean you can Challenge him or just Cow Talk him over, no sir, choosing the right tactic is important for consistent success that is tailored for each individual bull. ElkNut/Paul
lost cow mew
he bugles a response
assembly mew
he comes in on a string
your welcome
I’m hunting really high country this year for one of my hunts.
A tactic I will use is to watch elk move down from above timberline and get into the trees from a distance, then circle around when the thermals switch and drop in on them from above.
Like WapitiBob said...
“You’re welcome”
I’m hunting really high country this year for one of my hunts.
A tactic I will use is to watch elk move down from above timberline and get into the trees from a distance, then circle around when the thermals switch and drop in on them from above.
Like WapitiBob said...
“You’re welcome”
^^ Cute. The thing is, most everyone on here wouldve wanted to kill the same 5 elk I did
Yeah....and that selectivity hurt my opportunities last year. 2 bulls, one decent that came in silent would have been dead with my compound.... I had to pass with my stick bow....but I'm a glutton for punishment.Yes, you're probably correct on that. But it's not just about the kill for some folks, including me. Methods, strategy, and selectiveness are higher priorities to me these days.
Yeah....and that selectivity hurt my opportunities last year. 2 bulls, one decent that came in silent would have been dead with my compound.... I had to pass with my stick bow....but I'm a glutton for punishment.