Alberta Mule Deer Outfitters


Jul 27, 2022
Looking for recommendations for a mule deer outfitter in Alberta.
I've talked to a few on the phone but always nice to hear from people that have experience with the outfitter.
Mar 2, 2019
I went with an outfit across the river from Mike a few years back (which was an extremely expensive nightmare). I will say that country has the right genetics/age structure to produce many book deer and if we had permission to hunt any ground larger than a postage stamp, it would have ended really well! Mike is the man in that country!

Further south, Several great outfits but, they are always booked up with repeats and only do a few hunts for longtime clients. There’s one named Billy Franklin with silver sage around bigstone who may or may not be taking on new clients—you’ll have to check. He has a good outfit with some excellent gmu’s for big deer. I haven’t hunted with Billy but, i have hunted with his brother multiple times on neighboring units and it was always spectacular!

Edit: well damn I should have scrolled down! You are with the right guy! Being from the dakotas, you will know what to prepare for but, weather can get really arctic that time of year! Good luck!
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