Ok I’ll explain. The habitat in the places you listed is conducive for supporting all those species without pike becoming dominant. Fish habitat, just like wildlife habitat, plays a critical role in what species are present and potentially become dominant, or what balance they find. In places like western AK, the habitat is such there’s refuge from pike predation, and they’ve evolved together for thousands of years. Everyone likes to point to Big Lake and say “look, pike and salmon co-exist just fine!” Big Lake doesn’t hardly have any pike habitat, hence they won’t become a dominant species and the sockeye will probably do just fine with the presence of pike in the system. But for every “Big Lake type example” you have in SC, I can come up with a dozen others in SC where the trout/salmon are literally extinct or doing very poorly due to pike predation. How’s the salmon/trout doing in the entire Nancy Lake Rec area? How are they doing in Alexander Lake? Sucker Lake? Trapper Lake? Stephan Lake? Long Lake in Willow. They’re all gone and the fishery is literally 100% pike. All used to support healthy populations of trout/salmon and other native species. That’s why they’re a problem.
Also saying the big pike eat little pike and somehow “control” the population simply isn’t true. Yeah sure they might occasionally eat one of their own, but other pike are better at avoiding predation than a naive trout/whitefish/juv salmon or whatever. Cannibalism rates are actually extremely low in SC. And those big pike are almost always females pumping out hundreds of thousands of eggs each spring. Those big female pike don’t consume nearly enough other pike to offset the offspring they produce each year. Not even close. You get hammer handles when they eat literally everything else in the waterbody, leaving only bugs in the system for them to live on, then grows rates turn to $hit.
Anyways, depending on where in the state the OP is going, be familiar with the regs. They’re quite different in their native range (Interior/Western AK) vs. Soutcentral.