Alaska NR Drop Camp


Oct 24, 2013
I've narrowed down some options to a drop camp, guided/unguided, moose hunt.
Group of two and looking a few years out.
Curious if anyone on here wants to talk and or give feedback of experience between these two outfits.
Renfros. I've seen quite a few threads on their services.
Bushwack. Haven't seen as many on this group. Buddy of mine is leaning towards one and me another. Just looking for insight that we may be over looking.
10 day hunt. Archery most likely, back up rifle with in case things get desperate. Weight is accounted for in prep so far.
PM me or post to the thread. Hoping to nail this down soon
If youre looking for archery I'd 100% go with renfros. I am not sure where bushwhack is based out of but renfros is in an any bull unit so if you see one you won't have to worry about legal size.
Haven't flown out with either one, but have read some things on here that would make me invest time looking further into both. Someone didn't like their Bushwhack Alaska experience, it is on one of the moose or caribou threads here. And I think I read that Renfros is dropping a lot of hunters into moose country, so that could impact hunt quality and flight logistics depending on what you are looking for. This info for both is likely contained in some of the threads on here, just gotta comb through all of the replies on the threads and find the nuggets of info that interest you.

Best of luck with your research.
As hunters we sometimes/often vary on what hunting means to each of us and what we seek in a hunting experience...and that's truly ok.

My best suggestion is to start by being really clear together (you and your hunting buddy) about what are you seeking in your hunt? What are the values and priorities that you each wish to experience on this hunt together and what do you prefer not to experience on this hunt? You probably have already discussed that together. Anyway, be aligned on that first, and then make a transporter choice based on the best match to your shared priorities/values...and figure out when in the rut progression you prefer to hunt given your priorities/values.

As just an example, I seek remote solitude in the world of the animal I am hunting and not seeing any other hunters when in the field...also being in a relatively high-density moose area and enjoying the excitement of calling bulls close to me....and I highly value bringing home all of the well cared for meat for family and friends to enjoy. A +60" bull is a bonus for me but certainly not my primary goal whatsoever...and never has been. Given those values and priorities that I seek, I choose to hunt in an any bull GMU with ADFG annual data that suggest high moose densities and access challenges that preclude the presence of other hunters in my hunting world once I'm in the field. Thus far, my personal preferences and values have been very well accomplished each year with my transporter choice for the past dozen years...Renfro. I did luck out one year and took a 64" bull and the next year my son got a 62".

The very best to you and your hunting buddy in your future hunting adventure!
I've never heard of Bushwack.

I've been on a few Alaska adventures, including 2024 with Renfros. My 2 buddies and I had a good experience and I'd recommend them.