Alaska Non-Resident Moose Changes??

Feb 25, 2012
Just got a call from my hunting partner, who lives in AK, who is telling me that Fish and Game (or board) is discussing changes for non-residents that would make moose hunting a guided requirement across the state. Meaning that moose hunting would now be (if approved) the same as Sheep, goat and Griz where the only way a non-res could hunt is with a registered guide or 1st degree of relation.
Have any of the residents up there heard this or speculation?
FYI. Second Degree of Kindred means you can take your Mother In Law hunting Grizzly but you can't take your nephew or uncle. Seems weird? Kindred is much different than kin.

Also, I think that change would require legislative action rather than BOG action.
It didn’t pass.

As mentioned already, anyone can write a proposal on anything and the board will address it. You could write a proposal that only NR hunters can hunt moose if you’d like; the board will deliberate at it.

They did require a moose orientation class be completed to hunt in certain units. Which is a feel good thing IMO, but someone can feel like they’re really making a difference I guess.
Looks to me like the guide industry wanted to take another chance to pad itself with more guaranteed money at the sake of folks that just want to hunt moose.
As an Alaskan that enjoys a lot of time in the bush. I see no reason that a moose hunter would need any special training. Folks that are going to spend a lot of bucks going moose hunting in ak probably know their way around the woods pretty good.
I will say that I do not support mandatory guide requirements for any wild game. I kinda suspect that most folks that come to ak to hunt, already spending a lot of money, probably have a better chance in the bush than most resident weekend warriors. That just don't have the time but enjoy the opportunity to get out. Actually most non residents that I've met are overpacked.
Good common sense. Not more government regulations meant to save myself from myself.
Sure glad I'm an Alaskan