Alaska draw. What’s my chances?

DC826 and DL030 for me. I won a DM339 two years ago. Last year it was DE318. I move out of AK to Oregon. I also won DL 028 Kuprenof black bear. So since leaving I’ve been fortunate enough to return. I pay the non resident licensing and tag fee’s and go hunt. The DC 826 tag sure was a lucky draw! It’s the Delta Caribou herd. I’ve hunted it before and the animals in that unit can be special. Lots of good hunters from allll around country won that DL030 spring 26 POW Black Bear. Be in the game and you’ll win tags. Some years it’s a goose egg. As a non resident you’ve got options in Alaska. Be prepared to pay for transportation and other expenses. It’s non an in expensive hunt DIY.
That’s astounding. I’m going to enter a variety of the draw permits next year. Being that successful, do you put all 6 species chances in one permit?
It is pretty clear the numbers refer to applications, not applicants, in those numbers.

One, the number would be meaningless if it referred to the number of people who applied as it would not tell you if they dropped 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 applications in that pot, and someone who applied for 6 different hunts on the same species would be counted 6btimes, but someone who put in 6 applications on one hunt would only be counted once. If it was applicants and not applications, the math would be nonsensical.

Two, the supplement itself says it is applications, and uses the term applicant for the person submitting the applications.

I can see how someone might argue over the abbreviation apps, if needed, I can go into why it must mean applications and not applicants, but if not needed, I'm sure few will read it (even if they have made it this far).Screenshot_20250223_081033_Adobe Acrobat.jpgScreenshot_20250223_081151_Adobe Acrobat.jpg
Totally makes sense to me now that you explained. Applicants vs applications. Applications decide the odds.