Alabama Bound!


Apr 22, 2022
Decided to take up a buddies offer to come hunt Alabama in the "off" season this year! Never been before but excited to be hunting deer in January that are about to rut! Going to hunt some of his ground and may hit up some national forest. I supposed most people take their climbers for those pines? Anybody from down thata way know how the rut is looking so far?
I’ve hunted around union springs a handful of times between now and early February; seen rut activity on both ends. Regardless, it’s my favorite place to be in the off season and I’m sure you will have a great time. Be prepared to make plans for a return trip next year.. 😃
I love that my home hunting is just now firing up. Went in the woods yesterday after work - sat down at 4:26 PM, legal light ended at exactly 5:30 PM. Saw 14 deer, 4 racked bucks, and 5 chases in that hour. Makes it so much fun. Just now getting started too, the next two weeks are prime time here. Western Henry County. And yes, that distinction makes difference. Eastern part of the county, just miles away, is already done. Next county over, in GA, finished up in early December!
I love the January rut. ChrisAU and N2TRKYS are correct on variations. Within a 60 mile east to west area, three different counties, I hunt a Thanksgiving rut, Christmas rut, and January rut.

Good luck and enjoy your trip!
Decided to take up a buddies offer to come hunt Alabama in the "off" season this year! Never been before but excited to be hunting deer in January that are about to rut! Going to hunt some of his ground and may hit up some national forest. I supposed most people take their climbers for those pines? Anybody from down thata way know how the rut is looking so far?
I will be heading up to my lease in AL in a week. I will be up there for a few weeks. The rut is different all over AL. It can be anywhere from Jan15th to first week into Feb in Lowndes County. Just South in Butler it can be different.
I would definitely take climber.
That’s my home hunting range. Love it. PM me if you have any questions. A climber is great. I have succes stalk hunting too during rut.

The best book I have ever read on Whitetail hunting is this one. All the data comes from Alabama, it is a quick read and would help you in your hunt here.

Another tip to remember…..don’t think because you’re coming to the South that it doesn’t get cold. 30 degrees and 90% humidity will freeze your butt off.
This. I was just looking at the forecast for next week. I feel a gumbo coming on. Prediction for possible snow where I am going. I live in FL but hunt Ohio and AL. I can tell you 29 in AL feels a lot colder than 29 in Ohio. You have some big swings in temps in AL. You might start out in the morning in high 20s and it might be mid 70s by early afternoon. Same with days your froze to the tree all day two days later your in shirt sleeves. I tell my guests to be ready for temps from 20-80 dry or wet. In a week long hunt you will very likely see it all weather wise.
That’s my home hunting range. Love it. PM me if you have any questions. A climber is great. I have succes stalk hunting too during rut.

The best book I have ever read on Whitetail hunting is this one. All the data comes from Alabama, it is a quick read and would help you in your hunt here.

Me too. I love all my hunting states but if
If I had to give them all up but one I would keep AL. Long seasons , liberal limits both daily and season and lots of deer.
Me too. I love all my hunting states but if
If I had to give them all up but one I would keep AL. Long seasons , liberal limits both daily and season and lots of deer.
I agree. I love hunting for 4 months and being able to harvest a lot of deer. I wouldn’t like a one buck state to be my home hunting state.

Check out the book I linked. Dr shepherd is a prolific alabam hunter and taught bow school for years and years. He basically cracked the code of Alabama hunting.
I’ll be heading down to southeast Alabama myself next weekend for the first time. Going down with my son and a bunch of his buddies. One his buddies has a family farm down there that we’ll be on. Looking forward to hunting the rut in January. Nice to extend the season this way.
I grew up in Alabama hunting whitetail. You’ll have a blast in those thick pine forest.
I used my climber most of the time when I went out. It’s easy to find a tree you wanna use it on.
Good luck and have fun!
It is going to be cold here next week.

Listen to what others have said about the cold here, the rut, climbing, etc.

The rut there is generally a little later, you may hit the pre stages.

Oh, bring a cooler just for the conecuh sausage you will be taking home -- have you tried their new hotdogs?
I’ll be heading down to southeast Alabama myself next weekend for the first time. Going down with my son and a bunch of his buddies. One his buddies has a family farm down there that we’ll be on. Looking forward to hunting the rut in January. Nice to extend the season this way.
Good luck
I grew up in Alabama hunting whitetail. You’ll have a blast in those thick pine forest.
I used my climber most of the time when I went out. It’s easy to find a tree you wanna use it on.
Good luck and have fun!
Yep great place for climbers. Thousands of trees that all look the same. But the tree in the most perfect place seems to always have a bunch of vines growing up it.
It is going to be cold here next week.

Listen to what others have said about the cold here, the rut, climbing, etc.

The rut there is generally a little later, you may hit the pre stages.

Oh, bring a cooler just for the conecuh sausage you will be taking home -- have you tried their new hotdogs?
I saw those hotdogs. Are they any good?
I need to do this one year. Indiana deer hunting effectively wraps up for me in late November as I don’t have a muzzleloader and the activity after that typically isn’t worth bowhunting. Heading south would definitely extend the season!