Wishful thinking guys. We're not farming sheep anytime soon. Maybe we hire some herders for the spring to protect the flock for a few weeks? Maybe not close the season on wolverines? I usually see a few every year sheep hunting, but the season isn't open.
No amount of saving a couple rams, shooting a few wolves, or restricting residents by charging them money is going to change the biggest killer of all, winters. If we have a decade of "easy" winters we'll be lucky to get back to the population we had 10 years ago. We are down 50-70%, and on a good year we might recover 5-7% of the population. An average winter will hold populations steady. I have a feeling this winter is going to be like the last, the only good thing is there are fewer yearlings and lambs to winterkill. 5 years from now we'll harvest 200-250 rams, if that statewide.
We can study all sorts of things, but very few studies will result in any sort of meaningful increase in game populations. They will just help us predict fluctuations, or why we have less sheep. Remember we're shooting "surplus" animals anyway, who what will those studies really tell us?
It really just comes down to who can shoot what's left. Really that's what its all about and always has been. Every argument hinges around it, and has for decades.
Keep sending your money to the Alaska W$F, and they'll keep taking it. Read their comment to the board and tell me if I have poor reading comprehension. They specifically advocate against allocation. Weird they even mention it since its not part of their core values. I know, I know, their mission is to "keep sheep on the mountain." That's the easiest softball of a mission statement you could make. They really should just change it to "Try to keep sheep on the mountain long enough to allow hunters to shoot what's left." AK W$F bad-mouths ADFG and their lack of knowledge of aging sheep, or so I hear, amongst many other things in recent years. W$F membership's disdain for ADFG is funny. Pretty easy to bad-mouth a group when you don't do anything yourself (just like me). I'm still waiting to hear about those 3 projects (in the last 7 years) that the AK W$F has done in AK to "keep" sheep on the mountain. Just 3 projects that kept some sheep on the mountain, that's all I ask.
The outfitters will blame residents for the lack of sheep (because we kill them all at too young) It's our fault. I've heard those arguments many times form many different outfitters. They got to thump their chest about how great of a conservationist they are... yet 40% of sublegal rams were shot by guided NR this year. haha. We can play the blame game as well. (NR make up about 25% of hunters, so they disproportionally shot more sub-legal rams than residents).
The average age of harvest is another. NR vs Res is very close in age. Certainly not enough to lay blame.
My personal favorite jab is, "residents don't kill sheep because of our lack of effort." Then they lobby and whine about not having enough draw tags for their clients. So, maybe hunt harder in a HT area?!? Super Cubs, second houses and out of state hunting trips cost a lot of money and so does not working 6-8 months! Outfitters won't self regulate due to lack of sheep, they'll just sell hunts like before, because they gota eat! They'll just tell their clients the hunting is tough, they'll over-sell their hunts knowing there are fewer legal rams than hunters booked. They will blame residents for shooting the rams too young. Just go to a BOG meeting an listen in. Its comical.
Anyone that wants to hunt sheep in AK, the first place to look is figure out who the successful outfitter is in the area, and then go hunt their spot. Its pretty easy to look up their guide use areas, then go to their brag board (web sites) pages and find the terrain via google earth. THey are wising up though, and don't post pics many pics anymore. It will be one of the best spot to hunt in the unit. If residents really want to have the bulk of the sheep harvest, "hunt harder" in the areas where the guides hunt.
My personal favorite is that NR pay the bulk of management. APHA commissioned a study to show how much money they bring into the state via their welfare to us all (remember the same group that starves to death without sheep hunts). NR pay for all that magnificent sheep "management!" Never mind that the feds pay for ~65% of the wildlife budget. You could eliminate NR sheep tag money from the budget, and we wouldn't even notice it in the rounding error of the budget. Same goes for all that money that W$F sends in to the department. ADFG could offer the gov tag separately in the draw and make more money, and not lose out on the 15% "management fee" for auctioning it off the tag at the W$F backpack race.
I honestly hope that there is a way to put an initiative on the ballot, or better yet when the constitution is opened up, we redefine "the people" to "residents of Alaska." Its the only way allocation is going to change, otherwise we'll continue to see the same circle jerk.