AI help with tag applications

Slim Jim

Jun 7, 2012
Las Vegas, NV
I’ve gone down the rabbit hole of AI and it’s pretty cool. It’s here and it’s the future whether we like it or not. What I want to know is, can ChatGPT, Genesis, Bard, or other AI capable of doing our research for tags? Especially nonresident with everything that changes each year with regs, tag creep, etc. It’s getting difficult to sort through and time consuming.

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Sep 13, 2016
What I want to know is, can ChatGPT, Genesis, Bard, or other AI capable of doing our research for tags? Especially nonresident with everything that changes each year with regs, tag creep, etc. It’s getting difficult to sort through and time consuming.

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I sure hope not. It’s supposed to be time consuming. About the last thing we need is more information on how to draw tags.
Dec 4, 2018
I can’t remember what tag/draw related question I searched on chat GPT. Something fairly nuanced but I knew the answer. Chat GPT regurgitated some dead wrong information 😂


Jul 22, 2018
At the moment, no. You'd need a lot of money and time to develop an AI model to pull the data, analyze , and teach the model to respond.

That's why GoHunt and Huntin Fool exists. They basically doing this "manually" and providing a user friendly UI that accomplishes the same thing.
Slim Jim

Slim Jim

Jun 7, 2012
Las Vegas, NV
At the moment, no. You'd need a lot of money and time to develop an AI model to pull the data, analyze , and teach the model to respond.

That's why GoHunt and Huntin Fool exists. They basically doing this "manually" and providing a user friendly UI that accomplishes the same thing.

Doesn’t AI gather all information from the internet? Unless those services have a way to block it. I’m sure once everyone has AI agents those services will be obsolete

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Nov 15, 2023
I think some of the best part of hunting is in planning your hunt yourself ! get on a forum and start asking questions from individuals that have hunted areas that your Interested in hunting and know about the regions and quotas ….if you haven’t got time for this do you really have time to hunt ??
why would you want to rely on AL to make you decisions for you. Personally you’d enjoy a hunt you took the time and planed and applied for yourself much more. Just my personal opinion. I hate all the this new age , but then again I’m an old man.
Slim Jim

Slim Jim

Jun 7, 2012
Las Vegas, NV
I think some of the best part of hunting is in planning your hunt yourself ! get on a forum and start asking questions from individuals that have hunted areas that your Interested in hunting and know about the regions and quotas ….if you haven’t got time for this do you really have time to hunt ??
why would you want to rely on AL to make you decisions for you. Personally you’d enjoy a hunt you took the time and planed and applied for yourself much more. Just my personal opinion. I hate all the this new age , but then again I’m an old man.

Isn’t that what GoHunt, Hunting Fool, and other services do? They gather information from states to help with decisions. Not any different just quicker

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Jul 22, 2018
Doesn’t AI gather all information from the internet? Unless those services have a way to block it. I’m sure once everyone has AI agents those services will be obsolete

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Not quite - that's not exactly how AI works. AI are models that can perform tasks that usually require human intelligence - think speech recognition, decision-making, visual perception...etc

I think what you're referring to is actually called machine learning. That involves teaching models to learn from data and improve performance with explicitly being told. This is used for large data sets.

So in this case, every states seasons and the dates that accompany them. Then add on draw odds, success rates, and all the other variables that go into it. It's a lot of work and computing power to train something to be well versed in it.
Slim Jim

Slim Jim

Jun 7, 2012
Las Vegas, NV
I don’t know much about all this crazy technology, I just know it’s happening fast exponentially. I’d love to revisit this post in another 5-7 years.

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Slim Jim

Slim Jim

Jun 7, 2012
Las Vegas, NV
The Biden administration just announced the investment of 5 billion dollars for research and development of computer chip technology. I’m sure that’ll help speed things up even more

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Oct 29, 2017
Just bringing this one back to the top. It's pretty crazy how fast it's improving month to month. I used it to analyze my favorite western state's 2024 draw results to anticipate what strategy I might want to consider next year and it did a pretty good job. The truck is in the prompts you use which is actually pretty intuitive once you get the hang of it. For example, if I want to talk to it about a particular unit, I begin my prompt with, "Assume the role of a wildlife biologist or a Forester based in unit X with a B.S. in wildlife biology, a M.S. in GIS, and a M.S. in statistics. I also started getting a lot more out of it once I stopped using it like an intelligent search engine and started talking to it like it's a real person. Learning to talk to it is kinda like learning how to enter search keywords in the 90's. I used it to identify 3 potential areas to hunt whitetails in a new to me state a month ago or so after giving it a half dozen factors that were most important to me. I fact checked it by researching those areas and talking to biologists for those factors after and while one of them is definitely a no go, two of the three are worth checking out in person.

It's also interesting to see the strengths and weaknesses of the big 3 options- chat gpt, Gemini and Claude. Each has things it's better at than the others and once you get a feel for that, you can get better results for different applications by bouncing to the better AI for what you're after.

It's still got some bad info but it knows this, too, and will help you filter through the BS. For example, I have it set to only share info it has greater than 90% confidence in which is also based on double verified source info, and to cite sources. That kind of stuff made a huge improvement in accuracy for me.

My prediction, hive it 6-12 months and I think services like GoHunt will be nearly obsolete. Maybe those services can get a little extra life by incorporating AI, but at some point, the value just won't be there anymore vs a general purpose large language model and they'll start losing subscribers. I also think early adopters will get an edge for a little while until the masses figure out what they've been missing and then it'll be a bunch of whining about AI ruining the draw odds everywhere.

We use it at work on a daily basis. We're a startup manufacturing company with pretty limited people resources and it's doing a pretty good job doing a lot of tasks normally done by roles we don't have yet, and will likely never need to add to our org chart now. I tried it for something yesterday I was sure it was going to flop on, but it came back with an A+ solution, and it did it in about 3 seconds. A lot of white collar jobs are in real trouble. When I have this conversation with friends who don't want to accept it, and therefore aren't learning how to use it cause they don't like what's coming or it's not perfect yet, I just shake my head. It's no different than when the internet became commonly used. There were business owners I knew who insisted on sticking to the yellow pages and those that built websites and adopted e-commerce, and we all know which of the two eventually had to play catch up.


Jun 16, 2016
I'd say the vast majority of people throw sh*t against the wall and hope it sticks in regards to chosing a unit to apply for so idk why this would be any better or worse.. I very much doubt go hunt will be going away in 6 months


Mar 16, 2021
no one I'll argue that invention of the AI has not been helpful and inspiring, have got an Alexa literally does it all.


Oct 10, 2018
As deertrout said it is very much in the prompts. I think GoHunt and other companies better be figuring out a way to incorporate it into their system or it will become obsolete.

I also think this could be something that could turn into a business for someone. It would be just like Treeline Academy using a free resource out there and consolodating it into easier to digest info for people.



Apr 3, 2022
AI is here and it is for real. The functionality is pretty simple but can be fairly nuanced depending on what you are trying to do. Accessibility is essentially child friendly now and will become even better, it is very easy to integrate into your routine. Use cases are about as wide as there can be, with physical limitations (currently).

Regarding jobs being eliminated, short answer is yes there will be a ton of jobs that either change to adapt or will simply no longer be needed.

Access to data is key for AI. It regurgitates information that it has ingested or can find very well and quickly. We will see how the IP protection lawsuits shake out for any information that is truly proprietary.

For the laughs - It's not too hard to imagine feeding your hunting AI buddy all the mapping information available, all the current targeted species tendencies, and weather information for the last few years, wildlife data from Game and Fish, satellite data feeds, etc and having the AI tell you where to go and set up your shooting position.

Taking that last part a different way, militaries around the world are changing as fast as they can.