Agreement ends domestic sheep grazing permit


Dec 27, 2013
Durango CO
The National Wildlife Federation bought out the permits for 10 sheep grazing allotments, 100,000 acres of BLM and NF lands, near Silverton, CO. This is the 2nd of such deals in this area. Good riddance. This summer, I visted the 1st area that was waived 2-3 years back and elk were using the land, the tundra was thriving and there wasn’t sheep poop in the creeks.

I wouldn’t mind if they bought all the permits in Wyoming as well - although it would change the taste of the creek water where I hunt - maybe it tastes better with sheep turds? Idk?
unless you're a sheepman that had the lease......
Sheep don’t make money like they used to. No value for wool (unless it’s merino wool which it’s not) and shearing is a big expense. Only profitable product is lamb meat.

So the sheep operators probably made out ok and now don’t have to deal with sheep.

On a side if we can cut demand for lamb chops it could spur more sheep closures and give Bighorn sheep a chance with reducing contact and disease transmission.
A rancher with a lease has an unfair advantage over other ranchers without a lease. And unless it’s changed it is (Montana) the renewal of a lease is awarded to the current holder regardless of how much someone else bids. Years ago a hunting group bid something like three times what the rancher was paying and the judge awarded it to the rancher for what he previously paid.
Wish they would get cattle leases too. Been hunting an area in Colorado unit 77 near Williams reservoir for 25 years and for the first time this year encountered lots of cows on first weekend of first elk rifle. I've run into them most years in archery and ranchers would have them out before rifle. This year cows were there and "cowboys" were herding them out on second day of rifle. Whooping and hollering. There is a San Juan Forest grazing schedule online I got from Forest Service that says grazing ends (9/30/2023). First rifle started 10/14/2023. Talked with San Juan National Forest in Durango several times and never got promised call backs. I finally gave up.
The National Wildlife Federation bought out the permits for 10 sheep grazing allotments, 100,000 acres of BLM and NF lands, near Silverton, CO. This is the 2nd of such deals in this area. Good riddance. This summer, I visted the 1st area that was waived 2-3 years back and elk were using the land, the tundra was thriving and there wasn’t sheep poop in the creeks.

It's a start!

If a demestic sheep gets withing 1/4 mile of bighorn sheep they kill the bighorns for fear of the transmissable diseases from domestic sheep will wipe out the bighorns via bucks traveling from one herd group to another.

I have seen (many times over) a game rich parcel stripped of all life: void of all vegetation and all wildlife after the introduction of domestic sheep. This happens very quickly, sometimes within months of putting the sheep on a parcel. They over graze until nothing is left.
What is the background of the national wildlife federation?

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I was wondering to and found this under their " we believe " tab. No deep dig but at least they are not our right anti

We all have a right to enjoy sustainable and responsible outdoor recreation including: hunting, fishing, camping, birding, wildlife watching, hiking, climbing, swimming, boating, and gardening.
The DOW actually like the sheep and how they graze more so than cattle. Pro tip #1 for all NR hunters. If you find your area littered with sheep, break camp down and move.

Pro-Tip # 2, if you have sheep in the area, and plan on bear hunting, follow first rule. The "pastores" have most likely shot all bears in the area starting in June/July. They are hell on bears.