So I am looking at a thermal and with what I've done research of i keep coming back to this AGM. I'm looking at the AGM Varmint V2 LRF TS35-640.
Besides this scope, any other thermals you guys might suggest in this price range? Id like to have LRF, 35mm and be a 640.
I will be calling Outdoor Legacy tomorrow if work willing to talk to them. But just wanting more opinions.
This is my first thermal.
Use is for predator hunting, ranges are from less than 100yrds to 400ish.
Besides this scope, any other thermals you guys might suggest in this price range? Id like to have LRF, 35mm and be a 640.
I will be calling Outdoor Legacy tomorrow if work willing to talk to them. But just wanting more opinions.
This is my first thermal.
Use is for predator hunting, ranges are from less than 100yrds to 400ish.