Never been charged by one but ive had a couple incidents that were sketchy. One time got pics of a cat following my tracks right into my back yard. A day later, found fresh cat traks coming right up to my back porch. Day or two later, cleaning my house, i was either sweeping or mopping my living room floor, whichever it was, i look out the window and that sucker was crouched down staring at me intently through the living room window.
Another incident, i was out running the weedeater. Never carried a gun doing that, why should i? And after i burned through a couple tanks of gas, making all kinds of noise, i take a break. Sat on the big rock by my fire pit and light a cigar, start finger blasting my phone. Look up and there <15 yards away, a lion is crouched in the brush on the edge of my lawn, staring at me. And im unarmed. I stood up and it slinked off, in no big hurry.
Yeah theyre not generally after people, if they were then european colonists would have found a continent devoid of human life, but you never know. Anybody who says they have no potential to be a danger is clueless.
Sure, 99% of them want to avoid people, 99% of the time, but theres always exceptions. A 100lb animal that can kill a full grown elk is nothing to take lightly.