Aggressive lion encounter

Reading the comments has me curious. Did you weight it? Not judging, just curious.

I didn’t…and the picture I posted makes the cat look a lot thinner than it was because her belly was rolled up under her. I wasn’t trying to brag up how big she was by saying 120lbs, that was the taxidermists estimate. He might’ve just been trying to make me feel good haha

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Crazy encounter, was she nursing? Curious if maybe she cubs stashed away and that’s why she was confrontational.
That's what I was thinking it was too. Defending the kittens. Been lotta vids popping up on the internet showing how ornery they can be when that's the case.
Never been charged by one but ive had a couple incidents that were sketchy. One time got pics of a cat following my tracks right into my back yard. A day later, found fresh cat traks coming right up to my back porch. Day or two later, cleaning my house, i was either sweeping or mopping my living room floor, whichever it was, i look out the window and that sucker was crouched down staring at me intently through the living room window.
Another incident, i was out running the weedeater. Never carried a gun doing that, why should i? And after i burned through a couple tanks of gas, making all kinds of noise, i take a break. Sat on the big rock by my fire pit and light a cigar, start finger blasting my phone. Look up and there <15 yards away, a lion is crouched in the brush on the edge of my lawn, staring at me. And im unarmed. I stood up and it slinked off, in no big hurry.
Yeah theyre not generally after people, if they were then european colonists would have found a continent devoid of human life, but you never know. Anybody who says they have no potential to be a danger is clueless.
Sure, 99% of them want to avoid people, 99% of the time, but theres always exceptions. A 100lb animal that can kill a full grown elk is nothing to take lightly.
Wow, what an encounter. Glad it turned out well. Lions are common were I live in CO but I have yet run into one. When I bowhunt elk, I always carry my pistol just in case.
The thing that creeps me out about the cats is that... most of the time... ya don't freakin hear em at all, til they're waaay to freakin' close!
That'll get your heart started. Glad everyone (the humans) survived that encounter without bloodshed. Love your wife's comment about the rock - she's a tough woman.