Affordable Trap Gun

if your only going to shoot singles BT 99 is hard to beat for the $$$ if you want to shoot singles/doubles maybe look for a trap grade Citori/beretta if you can find one a Rem 3200 that aint clapped out... another good option
Any o/u with an adjustable stock and reasonable chokes will work well. A trap gun is a trap gun because it throws a high pattern, usually like 70/30 above/below point of aim. Any adjustable stock can be made to do that very easily, so it doesnt need to have “trap” in the name. Make it a heavy gun to soak up the cumulative effects of a couple hundred rounds in a session, mod/imp-mod or mod/full chokes, and youre in business.
You should be able to find a bt 99 used for less than that
BT99's are about as solid of choice for the money as you can get. My only issue with them was they seemed to kick a bit harder then other singles I shot so if a person is recoil sensitive I recommend shooting one before you buy it.

Probably the softest shooting trap gun I've ever shot was Remington 1100. If you can find one of the 1100 trap models that's in good shape and has been taken care of that wouldn't be a bad choice either.
BT99's are about as solid of choice for the money as you can get. My only issue with them was they seemed to kick a bit harder then other singles I shot so if a person is recoil sensitive I recommend shooting one before you buy it.

Probably the softest shooting trap gun I've ever shot was Remington 1100. If you can find one of the 1100 trap models that's in good shape and has been taken care of that wouldn't be a bad choice either.
The one I shot, which belonged to my trap shooting mentor, had a Mercury shock absorber. Between that and shooting shells going around 1000 fps, recoil was minimal
There’s usually some pretty good deals on used beretta 686’s etc..

The shotgun forum has used adjustable comb guns pop up all the time. Stay away from the marlin comp guns.

Nemo (bettensoli) has a pretty decent adjustable comb gun for 2700 that you could look at..
For a single barrel a BT99 is good. You can find a used Perazzi TM1 for 2K or maybe a little more. I bought mine for 2k a little over a year ago. A guy I shoot with bought a used one at Bass Pro for about that last year. They are solid as can be.

For an over under in that price range, a used CItori XT would be my choice.

Here is a TM1. Dealer is as reputable as they come. He probably has some more TM1's on his site.

This one is a 32" with a release trigger. I would call him. I have a 34" pull trigger, which I prefer over a 32".

EDIT: I see you said over under. I would look for an xt. The link i posted has some but they are over 2k.

Also , Guns Unlimited in Omaha would be a good place to call for Brownings.
Many many options out there and some good insight shared already. I'm a high school trap coach, so I have seen just about everything be used. Fit and function are the two most important factors. That is to say, if you absolutely know that you want a dedicated trap gun, then buy one. I suggest the best one that fits you and you feel comfortable in the purchase. Don't be afraid to spend a little more if the stars align and the gun checks all of the boxes. One that has LOP and comb height adjustments so that you can have it fit exactly the way you shoot and handle a lot. Brownings are pretty good but so are the SKB 's , Rizzinnis and Berretta. Lately, we
If you are even a little unsure and want a shotgun that will treat you well in the field as well, then you will need to double down on the fit portion. Adjustable stocks will make it fit you but are bulky and a hinderance in the field. I do think that the crossovers like the Citori CX and others get the best of both worlds and make excellent Sporting clays guns too.
I'm a sucker for older shotguns so don't hesitate to look at the used rack and handle some more dated models like Rem 3200, Winchester 101 (Select Energy),
It warms my heart to see the 3200 recommendations. I shoot one, myself!

There are a LOT of suitable trap guns for less than $2k, less than $1k, even. My personal favorites include:

Remington 1100, 1187
Winchester Super-X Model 1

Remington 870
Winchester Model 12

Remington 3200, 90T

I've shot quite a few others, over the years, but these are the ones that I shot the most.