Advice on how to fix where I am hitting.

Sounds like you need to preform a tracking test on your scope. Looks like it has overtravel and going to the right as it tracks up.
Guides would be millionaires if they got a dollar for every time they hear "I don't get it, I shot it off a bench and it was dead on". Shooting from a bench clarifies if a rifle and load is accurate, shooting from field positions says whether are not you yourself are accurate. Take that rifle out and shoot rock chucks with it in the spring. It's more fun and more helpful to your marksmanship than YouTube or Rokslide.
Could be the scope, you anticipating the shot and flinching
So this might be confusing and kinda long. I have a christen arms 300 win and put a Leupold vx-5 on it last summer and had a gunsmith mount it and zero it.. At 100 yards on a bench I am grouping very tight and on the bullseye. When hunting last year I dialed up to 600 to shoot at an elk and felt very confident in the shot and executed the best I could. I hit about 3 feet to the right and 3 feet high. When looking the gun this year I felt the scope was not perfectly level and slightly canted to the right. So I remounted the scope and got it as perfectly level as I could and re sighted it in. Again having tight groups at 100. When hunting I took a practice shot at 600 and again hit high and to the right but this time only about a foot both directions. I wasn't too worried since it was better then last year. Well come time to shoot an elk I Dailed to 300 and executed the best I could . I hit the bull in the spine and pretty far back. I felt like I executed the shot really good too. I am wondering if there is something I am doing wrong on my shooting to keep hitting high and to the right or if my scope again is off and if it being canted to the right would result in hitting to the right when I dial the scope up. I hope that wasn't too confusing I am just trying to figure out what I need to fix or work on. Thanks
How are you getting your dial ups? If using factory ammo are you just using the velocity on the box?
Shooting that far you need to know exactly what the velocity of the ammo your going to hunt with, how temperature effects the velocity and the ES/SD. Then you need to be calibrating your shooting app to actual drops at various ranges. I usually confirm drops at 600, 900, and 1200 yards. If you are planning on hunting at 600 yards you should be practicing out to at least 800 yards.
ppl put too much stock in ammo box drop charts and phone apps without verifying, a lot of wounded animals to show for it. Everything needs to be practiced and dope trued before even attempting those shots
Always shoot and adjust when practicing, computers aren’t always right! Real life trigger time gets results
Doesn't surprise me that you are shooting high with a magnum in field conditions. There is a world of difference between bench shooting and field shooting. I verify my zero my rifle from a field position, and I practice more field shooting than bench shooting these days.

You could be high because your recoil management is different, along with all the other reasons people gave you. If you are shooting right, then you could just be canting the rifle to the right, pulling the shot, wind, reticle is not level to gravity, etc.

Bottom line is there are many reasons that you could be that far off, and until you go out and shoot and verify, no one can really know. In fact, I bet there are multiple reasons why your shots were so far off.

Find someone who can go out with you and help you through all the possibilities. I've helped some people get set up for shots inside 500. Other times, their rifle systems were irretrievably doomed to failure. On occasion, it was the shooter...