Adjust spine, tophats, or leave alone?

Thanks again everyone... Sorry for the false alarm... I guess you all just gave me the courage to test more thoroughly with a bareshaft lol. I'll ignore paper from this point forward.

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Good shooting. I usually go bare shaft through paper then bare shafts and fletch at 10, then 20 and tweak til they are close. I am happy once I get a group like you got at 20. I'm not the best shot so worse than that and it's definitely not the bow.
Ok - I can try that... Question, would going from 125 to 100 grain tips accomplish a similar result? I am gonna try and check this later today if I get some time.

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Sorry, long day. Looks like you are pretty well sorted. Bareshafting at 60 is insanity.

Generally as mentioned I will paper tune a bare shaft at 7’ and 15yds. Walk back tune. Verify broadhead flight.

And to answer, yes additional front weight will also soften up your arrow.
Ok... so maybe I'm grasping at straws and need to quit shooting paper/work on form...

Just ran oustide and shot Broadhead, bareshaft, and field point at 20,30,40, and 60 (idk why but I skipped 50 lol).

I think the 40 yard bareshaft must have been me...

One bareshaft ( I thin the 20 or 30) looked like it was going to plane for a sec, but it landed ok... I focused hard on form the further out I got and all 3 seemed to fly ok.

So... with these groups... should I pursue tuning anymore... or shutup and shoot?

20 yards

30 yards

40 yards

60 yards
I wouldn't do a thing to it.