Additional outwear peice for archery - Suggestions Please

I'm on the same quest. The best options I have found are the puffy vest or the "layer over the puffy". I was really intrigued by the new sawtooth at FL. Seems like an insulated core with quiet sleeves, but it is redundant with what I already have. I ended up getting a halstead instead to try over my puffy. I have no experience with the peloton.
I'd look at either the Peleton Series from Kuiu or the chama from first lite... Both good options for a quiet outer layer.

If you really need insulation, the quietest layer I've used for outerlayer (thought usually for rifle because archery is too hot) is the kuiu kenai jacket. It's a great active insulation layer....

Good luck!
I'd also take a look at the Sitka Traverse zip T It's the piece I wear on top of my base layer when I need to if it's colder. I can easily hunt in temps below 30 degrees with this setup. It seems to do a pretty good job blocking the wind and it definitely adds warmth. I like it allot better than my Peloton's I no longer own.

I'll be buying another in Subalpine when the prices are lower.