Accutouch or landslyde or other?

Jon S

May 27, 2018
Erie, CO
Debating getting a slider/dialable 3 pin to replace a seven deadly pins spot Hogg that’s a little cluttered after shooting a buddy’s with three pins.

Rep at a shop in NM recommended the axcel as it’s got closed gears and better than mbg and spot Hogg. He liked them a lot, said their whole shop switched.

I’m not an expert archer, harvested my first turkey this year with a bow and loved it, might chase elk again with my bow this fall.

I see the landslyde, the accu touch and the accu hunter. I’m not looking to spend a ton, but they are not cheap.
I’m hard on stuff, so want durable, functional and reliable.

Other friends have suggested the fast Eddie and the Montana black gold options.
I’m heading to a shop today to play and learn, figured I’d ask here as well.
Play with them. I really like spot-hogg. I love the mrt housing and the toughness. Some of the other sights have nicer features and are lighter. Fast Eddie is pretty good when the tension is adjusted correctly if looking to save a couple ounces (still heavy). The hogg father or Tommy hog have micro adjust on the gang elevation adjustment, which is pretty nice.

I tripped and fell hard and caught my fall with my fast eddie twice this season. Both times, no point of impact shift.
CBE Trek Pro series. I had an excel accutouch for a day and sold it. They required an adapter to have the correct windage adjustment on my bow and it was a cheesy little adapter so I ditched the sight and went back to CBE. The new CBE sights are awesome!!
I’m fortunate enough to hunt from the middle of summer through February and March most years. Because of that my bow tends to be treated no different than a hammer or a screw driver. It would take a substantial amount of money for me to put an axcel product on a hunting bow. I am not saying they don’t make a quality product that does what Its expected to do, but based on the failures I’ve had on target bows I can’t begin to trust them on a hunting setup. I’ve run a fast Eddie or an ascent pro for coming up on a decade. From over 100 degrees in the prairie to below zero in late season South Dakota. Never had a failure, never had a malfunction, never had a warranty request. The landslyde seems to be a sight designed for TAC boys. Take my input with a very very small grain of salt, I’ve had half a cup of coffee this morning and a few beers last evening lol. I tend to be overly cynical even while caffeinated as it is

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There's a 3 pin Tommy hogg in the classifieds real cheap right now, if I were you I'd be giving that a real close look. I switched from mbg to a Tommy hogg 5 pin last year and am very pleased