Abowyer broadheads


Jun 18, 2021
Anyone ever use Abowyer broadheads? If so, how did you like them. Blood trails, ease of sharpening, edge retention, etc.
The bonehead lites were the first two blade that I shot. This was back in 2010 0r 2011 and they only offered the stainless options. I've killed a few critters them and they get really sharp, sharpest broadhead I've ever seen out of the package, but I've got a couple gripes with them. The first one which is probably specific to the model I was shooting, it was a little loud in flight with the venting. Not terrible but louder than a solid head and to be expected. The big gripe I have is that I've had a couple heads come apart at the welds on hard impacts. Keep in mind that I was shooting these out of a compound but in my opinion, the welds shouldn't fail. They were super cool about it and replaced them no questions asked but with all the other options out there now, I'm not sure I would buy them. And if I did, I would opt for the carbon steel screw in version instead of the stainless glue on
Search the forums...in the past there was problems with them being over tempered and a lot of breakage. My guess is they have fixed them...but I don't know.

I have shot 2 blades for decades. The design has proven out for hundreds of years. Very little pressure on the edge....thus super steel isn't necessary unless you are cape buff hunting.

I shoot the cheap 2 blades and most times they go through critters- they are sharp afterward.
I used the abowyer wapiti for a bit, super sharp easy to keep sharp but brittle. I broke or bent three tips after going through critters and into ground or just hitting something hard. Went back to three blade VPAs and haven’t looked back. Huge fan of the 175 three blade.
I used the abowyer wapiti for a bit, super sharp easy to keep sharp but brittle. I broke or bent three tips after going through critters and into ground or just hitting something hard. Went back to three blade VPAs and haven’t looked back. Huge fan of the 175 three blade.
Their 250 is my all time favorite head. They are bomb proof and just glide thorough critters.
I've had them break on me as well. Loved them initially, but there's better heads on the market in that price range for sure

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