A performance comparison between recurve and longbow

Feb 8, 2017
Hi all,

This video isn't meant to be super scientific, controversial, or heavy on the 'numbers'. I just thought it would be interesting to make the comparison between bows of about the same poundage, shooting an arrow of the same weight The results may surprise some, and be totally predictable to others.

I have some other ideas of videos like his I want to get done in the future so look out for those as I push them out. I'm getting back into my trad bows a little bit more and am really enjoying it for the moment, although I'd say I'm still more of a compound hunter right now for the most part.

Admittedly I didn't look at the vid...

For me it was hard to go to a longbow simply because the trajectory was so much different from the pre programmed flatter trajectory of my ILF performance recurves.

Sure it depends on what you shoot....but when you compare a High performance recurve to a supposed high perf longbow- in my case it included a supposedly fast Big Jims Buffalo....the longbow was a slug. Then add one really needs to shoot a heavier shaft in the longbow exaggerating the arc.

In time I could have gotten used to the bigger arc with the Longbows....but why?

I'm not knocking longbows....I appreciated the simplicity....it's just that it's hard when you are used to less hand shock and faster performance...then you shoot a LB.
Most longbows won't match the performance of some of the really modern recurves, for sure.

In the video I shoot the following bows.
St Patrick Lake Mushin Styk with carbon backing and 55#.
Tradtech Titan III riser and Hoyt Satori limbs at 55#.
Outlaw bows Emu High Speed at 45#.

All bows shot with arrows that make the setups 10gpp, and all bows perform roughly between 165-170fps.

So as far as longbows go, these two are fairly quick, but the Satori limbs aren't super high performance recurve limbs either.

Also, while a much faster arrow will obviously have a better trajectory, I believe the main factors that influence a near or far point on are anchor point and length of the arrow.
I have 2 longbows by the same guy , one has 3 carbon lams the other none. Diff. is quite noticeable between the 2 in arrow speed and trajectory. In fact the carbon lam bow is a lower poundage draw weight but shoots much flatter and faster. Easier to pull also.
Much more pleasant to shoot than my recurves but the recurves are 25 + years old , lol.
I have 2 longbows by the same guy , one has 3 carbon lams the other none. Diff. is quite noticeable between the 2 in arrow speed and trajectory. In fact the carbon lam bow is a lower poundage draw weight but shoots much flatter and faster. Easier to pull also.
Admittedly I didn't look at the vid...

For me it was hard to go to a longbow simply because the trajectory was so much different from the pre programmed flatter trajectory of my ILF performance recurves.

Sure it depends on what you shoot....but when you compare a High performance recurve to a supposed high perf longbow- in my case it included a supposedly fast Big Jims Buffalo....the longbow was a slug. Then add one really needs to shoot a heavier shaft in the longbow exaggerating the arc.

In time I could have gotten used to the bigger arc with the Longbows....but why?

I'm not knocking longbows....I appreciated the simplicity....it's just that it's hard when you are used to less hand shock and faster performance...then you shoot a LB.
Depends on the longbow. Straight limb vs reflex/deflex. Some of the highly r/d longbows are just a small step away from being a recurve. Unless you're shooting an old straight Howard Hill with massive tips there can be zero difference in hand shock. It's also a chore to get a recurve as quiet as a longbow. There is a lot more to hunting performance than a chronograph especially at 25 yards.
IME, the mass weight of the riser plus a huge part in hand shock.
My metal and Stalker stick bows risers have very little hand shock- they are on the heavier side.

I think shooting a longbow [a lot] screwed up my elbow from the hand shock....thus I don't shoot them anymore. HS is such a subjective thing....I've shot guys bows where they claimed "No HS" and my molars were rattling.

Comparing a longbow against the high performance Carbon ILF limbs is not even close....not a fair comparison.
I don’t mind a bit of “recoil” in the bow personally, so I’m not the best guy to judge handshock. I will say that a reverse handle Hill style bow seems to negate some of it, and a heavy arrow works wonders to limit recoil.

I think the biggest differences are the quietness mentioned above, and you can generally get away with a shorter bow in a recurve (depending on the design). I’m not too concerned with speed/performance per se, as long as my arrow gets where it needs to be without dropping like a rock on the way.
I have a Mushin stick in very similar specs (mine is a touch heavier) but they are shooters for sure. Fun video, bud.
Thanks for looking, fellas.

I've been shooting my Tradtech with the Hoyt limbs a heap lately. Up to almost 1500 arrows with it over the last couple of weeks. I wound the limbs back around 50-52 pounds and the full-length arrows for the Mushin tune out of it well, so they're travelling roughly 160fps. It's a very comfortable bow to shoot. I went back to the Mushin for a little bit just to see if I'd handle the slightly higher draw weight and it felt like it booted the heck out of me. Not bad, but just a big shock compared to the Tradtech is all.

Both still fantastic, but I've shot the Tradtech enough that I'm now committed to using it for all of my future trad hunts over the next little while.