A new hunting option outside pa


Dec 28, 2022
Hi all. I’ve been archery/rifle hunting whitetail in PA for about 8 years and looking for something new in a neighboring state. Any recommendations of species/state within reasonable driving distance and without breaking the bank?
Hunt OH. Some good public land. If you're willing to do the research and hunt hard, opportunities at a good buck will come.
if you like deer, every state around PA has good opportunity and reasonable non-resident fees. getting into other ungulate species increases the logistics and cost significantly.
All of the surrounding states seem to have good opportunity if you are able to put the time into scouting. I'd recommend whichever state is closest to you. The closer it is the more likely you will be to make more trips and better learn the area. As ElkArcher said, Ohio is a good option for a good buck. Maryland and Delaware have high deer densities, and good buck as well. Though all three of those states also have high pressure. But to my first point, the more time you are able to scout and spend in an area, you learn where the pressure is at and where to get away from it. It also depends on what you're looking for, simply big deer, or somewhere with adventure but chances at a big buck are not as high. I personally gravitate towards the later.
It really comes down to do you plan on using a outfitter or just going blind to a state and hunt public land and hope for the best in 5 or 6 days. I personally use to live in PA and traveled to Ohio, Kentucky and Missouri many times and i did book with an outfitter. cost was anywhere from $1500.00 to $3000,00 and none was better or worse. I wish you well on the hunt.
Ohio public land gets raped. We have too many hunters and too little public land. In PA you can get away from people in bow season at least. A non resident without insider knowledge would have a difficult time. Wayne national forest is the best bet, but a long shot for a new comer to find success on a mature buck.Private land, is a different story. You usually have to know someone because knocking on doors is a hard way to get permission around here . I wouldn’t recommend hiring a guide/leases- that only incentivizes the pay to play mentality, hence one of the the reasons why landowners no longer will give permission.
Ohio public land gets raped. We have too many hunters and too little public land. In PA you can get away from people in bow season at least. A non resident without insider knowledge would have a difficult time. Wayne national forest is the best bet, but a long shot for a new comer to find success on a mature buck.Private land, is a different story. You usually have to know someone because knocking on doors is a hard way to get permission around here . I wouldn’t recommend hiring a guide/leases- that only incentivizes the pay to play mentality, hence one of the the reasons why landowners no longer will give permission.
Well said. There's no shortage of trophy class deer in our state, but as you said, public land gets hit hard. Pretty much every state on our border has huge expanses of public land. Most of ours are in the 2-4k acres. Wayne national forest and aep land is about the only spots that you can "get away".
I recommend WV depending on where you are located in PA. Pretty decent public land access around the state, plenty of National Forest in the Monongahela and lots of landowners who actually still appreciate hunters.