A First


May 2, 2012
A first true spot and stalk start to finish mule deer!

Day two of our hunt I glassed him up about 500 yards as the crow flies from us. I watched him dog some does for 2-3 hours and he finally bedded a mere 286 yards from us. The downside was him and the does were facing the mountain I was on. I had to make my way very carefully around the edge of the mountain and make my way down a little ravine. Once down he and I were eye to eye from about 200 yards. About an hour later I had made my way to within 70 yards of the group of trees he was under. With the wind blowing going from good to bad to worse, it would blow right to him and the does. Somehow they did not care. I was amazed and figured I must smell really good as I could see them raise their noses, but go back to sleeping.

After about 30 minutes the buck got up and pushed some does around. I got on my knees and raised my bow to the ready. I had positioned myself with a thick bush behind me for the dark outline of my figure and a small shrub in front to keep things blended nicely. A doe appears in some brush at 40 yards and pegs me. I am stuck. I loose the feeling in my feet at the 5 minute mark and she slowly walks off, only to have the doe behind her decide to continue to keep tabs on me. She watches me for another 5 minutes as I suffer through some of the most agonizing pain I thought I had ever felt. Finally they walk back towards the buck, feed around and re-bed. I slowly come to a stand and get that horrible feeling as the blood goes back down my legs. I stand with my bows lower cam resting on my boot. After about 20 minutes and me starting to feel better I can see some deer moving around behind the brush/shrubs so I raise my bow with my left hand and place my binos on the top cam to get them steady to see whats going on. Bad mistake as another doe steps out and stars holes through me. I am stuck, again, but this time having to hold my bow with my left hand and my binos with my right. After about 3 minutes I start to shake and have to lower them one at a time. At a snails pace I get my binos down while she is still just staring me down, but has actually moved closer to me to see what I am. I have no choice at the 5-7 minute mark, but to lower my bow down as I cannot hold it anymore. It was now mid-day, I am hot, starving and dehydrated. I get the bow down and just stand there. Another 10 minutes goes by and I cannot believe how long that stupid doe is just standing staring at me. Finally she beds and I can breathe some. At this point all 8 of the does and the buck are around 50-70 yards. Some bedded, some eating, some just standing. A few minutes goes by and the doe that saw me stands and starts to come to me as another doe walks past the sleeping buck and follows her. The buck jumps up and starts to follow them both right to me. They go in and out of some shrubs/trees and get to about 50 yards. Some how with 3 does and a buck looking at me I manage to pull what little bit of energy I have left to pull back my bow. I looked like an 8 year old trying to pull back a 30lb bow. It was pathetic, but I got it back as the buck stepped out broadside staring me down at 50 yards. I hold the pin in his armpit and release only to have my bow arm drop and my arrow fly back of where I was aiming. It hits him hard and blood starts to come out as he runs away from me. I start to shake and turn to find my pack to get some water in me as it has now been about 2 hours since I set it down. We give him time and follow the blood trail a long ways, but finally catch up to him and I was able to get my hands on my biggest archery buck to date!


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Thanks guys. It was a fun hunt and I will for sure be going back.


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I'm not going to lie as i was reading the story. i would hold my breath as if that damn doe was staring at me haha. great story and great buck!