A few bulls from this year


Feb 28, 2012
Buckley, Wa.
My 2012 season was a bust, but I did spot some nice bulls while deer hunting. I forgot my camera adapter, so I had to hold the camera up to my spotter. These are the pics that turned out the best. At one point, there were 5 bulls, 6x6 or better, and 300" or bigger, all standing together. Unfortunately, the pic didn't turn out. The lone bull, I got to 400 yards, and watched him while he dozed in and out of sleep. It was one of the only bright spots on my nearly deerless deer hunt.


  • Fighting bulls 2012.jpg
    Fighting bulls 2012.jpg
    73.5 KB · Views: 233
  • Big bull 1.jpg
    Big bull 1.jpg
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  • Big bull 2.jpg
    Big bull 2.jpg
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The third pic is what My dreams are made of...I'd love to have that shot angle...

Funny, I've never seen a big mule deer while elk hunting but I've been distracted by elk on deer hunts nearly every time!

Those are great pictures.

Those are the big boys I'm looking for.
Hope to put one in my cross hairs big time!

Thanks for getting my blood pressure up!!!!!!!!
I'll show you were they live. Hopefully in a few months there will be some pictures of you posing with one of them.
Very nice and funny how that big guy thinks he is hidden from view keeping his head and antlers in the brush..........with that rack he needs to hide behind something much bigger:)
Great pictures. Seeing something like that makes for an incredible hunt, regardless of whether or not you bag something.