A bear almost ate my trail cam

Apr 10, 2012
Rancho Cordova, CA
Ok maybe he didn't almost eat it, but he sure rubbed his face on it. He was coming in between 0700 and 0830 everyday. Then he decides to rub his face on my camera. Not so bad, but in the process the SOB moved a small branch in the way. Now because of the branch I have 1100 pictures. Will post some of the pictures as soon as I figure out how to. Damn bear.
I've had my same camera ripped off a tree twice by a couple cubs before. They thought it would be fun to play with it. It's too bad the camera never took any of the pictures though. It has teeth marks all over it now.
have had bears rip camera off tree and chew on it broke straps that hold camera to tree finally had to get a lock box and they still try to pry on that
i had a bear about 5 years ago rip mine off the tree and crush it to peices, the same bear also got in my tree stand and tore up my foam seat and backrest. needless to say he looks really good on my wall. :) got pics of him destroying my camera and about 15 minutes later I came in to check my bait and he was in my stand tearing the seat out. as soon as he jumped out of it he took about 5 steps and my 45-70 took him out! teach him to mess with my stuff!!
If a bear jumped out of my stand, I might have to change my shorts. My 6.8 upper cam in today. Think it will get to do some work next Saturday. Well hopefully. We are not aloud to bait bears.