90 pound bows


Apr 9, 2022
Anyone know safe ways to get an extra five or more pounds out of a new PSE? First and foremost, I get it that newer bows are faster and faster. Speed isn't free. I'd rather have a higher draw weight and smoother draw cycle than a jumpy bow with a five inch brace height. Secondly, PSE sells the same bow with multiple options so they're the perfect martyr.

Exaggerations aside, I'd rather shoot a new bow at 90# with the EC cam than at 80# with the E2 cam. I'd rather have a longer brace height and axle to axle length, and just have a higher draw weight to regain that lost speed. A comfortable and accurate 90# bow at the same speed as the more painful 80# bow.

An 85# bow with the EC cam should put out the same energy as an 80# bow with the E2 or S2 cam (depending on DL). Give me another .5" brace height and then add an additional few pounds. A 90# option with those changes could be faster, easier to draw, AND more forgiving.

I say easier to draw because the peak weight would be in the short range where you have more leverage, instead of loading up a hump in the back where you have less strength.

So why are we only getting 80# speed bows? With the exception of the Bowtech SX80, or the Prime Black 9, 80# bows are almost all geared for speed. Put the Reckoning cams on the SX80 and add a few pounds and you've got a machine for ethical animal murder.

The slower ramp up and down in draw force would reduce the magnitude of shock the system has to absorb, as well. It seems like a no brainer to me. Any thoughts?
But the E2 and s2 are far from “jumpy “ cams. They hold the weight a little longer but definitely do have a super short valley and if you are jumpy with them you are not pulling into the wall which is not a good thing
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Twist the cables and untwist the string, if you twist the cables and they start to bunch up you are going too far, untwist the string too much and you may have peep twist issues.

APA archery makes the King Cobra up to 100lbs.
Call PSE and ask them if they have any limbs that are compatible with those particular limb pockets or riser. (If you ask them if they’ll make you a 90 pound bow they’ll most likely say “no” - so ask the question differently). Twisting cables alone may not get the extra 10 pounds you seek.
Prime is probably the only bow I would go loading up ridiculous poundage on. Most of the risers on the market simply can not handle 90 pounds without flexing in an unnatural manner. I know PSE already makes a 90 lb model so that one should be fine if you can order one. Not sure how that is possible. Huge draw weight to me is similar to micro diameter arrows. Probably not worth the squeeze in the end. You'll end up with a giant arrow doing relatively the same speed that any 80 pounder would do. Wear and tear on your shoulder joints will also be horrendous. Since good form requires bone on bone contact, your joints will take the brunt of that poundage instead of your muscles.
If you’re serious call John’s customs in Virginia. Aka Breathn on archery talk. I’m sure he can do whatever you want to a PSE.

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After all the splintered limbs I've had on my PSE even at 75-80 lbs, I wouldn't want to push them above that. My longer draw probably has something to do with that as well, but my goodness.......I'm done with PSE.
I’ve been shooting an elite at 87lbs for 10 years now. I’ve recently walked into my archery shop and told them I want a custom 92lb pse on the levitate or Mach 1 riser. After a year. There is no safe way to achieve this on a newer pse. Pse can’t even build an 80lb limb that holds up. They said no problem with a rx7. But that’s not the bow I want to own.
Twist up cables and untwist string..... but not too much. Its going to be hard to get to 90 peak. maybe custom strings/cables? But then the rest of the bow needs to be able to handle it. Good luck, be safe!!