9 Yr Old get his first Elk and Deer all on video!!!


Dec 3, 2012
I was very fortunate to capture this hunt on film of Dan and his son Lucas back in Nov. Lucas made 2 perfect 1 shot kills, his elk at 573 yards and his deer at 387.

Lucas is 9 years old and back in August he was diagnosed with Grade 3 Brain Cancer. I want to thank Monatana FWP for bypassing the age limit to let him hunt. Also huge thanks to Jeff (Broz) for taking us up on his Ranch and Ryan Avery for getting me in contact Jeff. Also like to thank everyone else that helped make this possible for Lucas and his Dad.

For those interested you can follow Lucas on the Facebook page " Lovin' Lucas "


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It's awesome when everyone is so supportive of these type of events. Congratulations to a brave young man heck of a job
Fantastic, what a hunt for the boy. Those days I'm sure gave him great enjoyment.
Super cool. Hell of a lot farther than I'd shoot at those critters. I hope Lucas can recover and have many more hunts in his life.

EDIT: What kind of gun is he shooting? Don't believe I've seen that type of stock.
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Thanks everyone it was great to be apart of and I don't think it could of turned out any better than it did.

The rifle he used on his elk was a Defensive Edge LRKM in a 338 terminator. Deer was with a Tikka 7mm
Wow, if that doesn't make you smile, nothing will! Great job to all involved and congrats to Lucas and the entire crew. I know a whole lot of grown up boys who can't shoot as well as that 9 year old!