I have a 7mm-08 and love the cartridge. Its a sweetheart and really versatile. I bought a 6.5prc end of last season. (I love the 7mm-08 cartridge but not the rifle I have it chambered in.) If you are shooting anything at further range, wind calls are easier with the 6.5prc. As long as the energy is there with todays scopes, dialing for distance/drop really isn't much of an issue any more. Wind still tends to be an overlooked factor for many hunters. That said, at closer ranges, it really doesn't matter. Ammo avialblity for the 6.5prc is pretty great now. To practice, you can buy Norma Match for pretty cheap and end up with great brass to reload. More and more factory options for 6.5prc hunting ammo. All that said, it probably comes down to do you want to invest and learn a new cartridge. I find it fun, but it takes time. The 6.5prc is now my go to for my big country mule hunt in ID every year. But I love the 7mm-08 enough that I'm building one on a AnTi action because I love the round. That said I have killed more deer with my 30-06 than anything else and that cartridge is about as old as they get.