7 SAUM chamber question

Nov 7, 2012
If I had a 7 SAUM with a SAAMI chamber would I be able to seat 162 ELDX out far enough to not limit case capacity? What max bullet weight are we looking at before you would want more freebore?
Dunno but why would you want to be limited? Assuming you have mag space then extend the freebore and open up your options!
Just looking at prefits and they usually say SAAMI specs.
Yeah I had the same issue when I built mine. I ended up finding a gunsmith in Denver that can extend the freebore. Call around and see if you can find someone local to you. Make sure it’s someone you trust tho!
SAAMI chamber here and I've been happy with what I get out of 155 Hammers, 160 Noslers, 168 VLDs, and 175 ELD-X with RL-23.
Yeah I had the same issue when I built mine. I ended up finding a gunsmith in Denver that can extend the freebore. Call around and see if you can find someone local to you. Make sure it’s someone you trust tho!

How much extra speed did you pick up?
If I had a 7 SAUM with a SAAMI chamber would I be able to seat 162 ELDX out far enough to not limit case capacity? What max bullet weight are we looking at before you would want more freebore?
What action? Many places will chamber a prefit and can lengthen the throat also.
SAAMI chamber here and I've been happy with what I get out of 155 Hammers, 160 Noslers, 168 VLDs, and 175 ELD-X with RL-23.
I too would be curious how long you can load the 155 hammers?? My smith will be extending my throat to the dummy round with that bullet. The eld-x must really be pushed down in there it's even longer yet.

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Are you guys that are extending freebore buying prefits and having a smith extend or are you better off getting a blank and having a smith do it all?
Carbon ring shows up in your barrel. Affects accuracy and can cause pressure issues. Donut shows up in the case and from my understanding is often caused when bullets are seated past the shoulder neck junction.
The donut is caused by sizing the brass multiple times and brass flowing from the thicker shoulder into the neck.
It’s also best when neck turning to cut into the shoulder just barely to help eliminate this.
When you seat a bullet past the neck shoulder junction with a donut present you can definitely feel it.