7 PRC reloading advice for a newbie


Jun 16, 2023
Recently just picked up a 7 PRC and I’m looking at getting into reloading. What bullet, primer, brass and powder has worked well for you guys with 7 PRC? Also what equipment is needed to start reloading? I am completely new to this so any tips, advice or thoughts are greatly appreciated!

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Forget to mention, what velocities should I expect to be getting out of a 7 PRC? Don’t have a chronograph so any chrono recommendations?

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Garmin xero chrono. MV will depend on barrel length, powder and bullet choice.
Try and find some RL-26 (good luck)
CCI 250 primers
175 eldx
Lapua or ADG brass.
Garmin xero chrono. MV will depend on barrel length, powder and bullet choice.
Try and find some RL-26 (good luck)
CCI 250 primers
175 eldx
Lapua or ADG brass.

From what I’ve read I see that RL-26 or H1000. Have you heard anyone trying accubond or the nosler partitions?

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Had excellent results with a 160 Nosler AB & H4831 well under MOA and Chrono average of 2990. Both 175 ELD-X and Berger 175 Elite Hunter have also been good with H1000.
Had excellent results with a 160 Nosler AB & H4831 well under MOA and Chrono average of 2990. Both 175 ELD-X and Berger 175 Elite Hunter have also been good with H1000.

Do you guys have any recommendations on what dies to buy? I’m going to buy powder, primers and bullets. I have 40 used hornandy brass and just getting into it I am just going to reuse the brass I have already shot. My father in law has a reloading set up so I’m planning on using his u til I can get into it more.

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Forget to mention, what velocities should I expect to be getting out of a 7 PRC? Don’t have a chronograph so any chrono recommendations?

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What barrel length?

Garmin xero is the way to go. Magnetospeed is also good if you are wanting to save money but more tedious to set up. Don’t waste money on the Caldwell style chrono
Brass- ADG or peterson

Powder- h1000, N570, RL26

Bullet- personal choice depending on what you expect a bullet to do. 175 eldx, 175 Berger elite, 180 Berger hybrid, 180eldm in no particular order. 180 Berger hybrid does well in my rifle and has done well for me on game

Primer- I use Cci 250 but federal large rifle magnums would be a good choice as well
Garmin xero chrono. MV will depend on barrel length, powder and bullet choice.
Try and find some RL-26 (good luck)
CCI 250 primers
175 eldx
Lapua or ADG brass.
Pretty much nailed everything here. I’d also highly recommend you try Berger 175 Elite Hunter and 180 Hybrid.

Good luck in the primers as well. Very hard to find. Any magnum primer should do and you can even substitute regular large rifle winchester primers if you can’t find any magnum, winchester ones burn hottest.

Don’t use Hornady brass, it’s not as consistent and you are handicapping yourself and making it harder to learn.

Since you won’t find any RL-26 you could try H1000, Ramshot Magnum, Staball HD, Retumbo.
I've had really good results with the following.
RL-26, 67g
175 ELDX
22" 5R Bartlein. 1-8
Velocity is 3021, ES14, SD4.
From what I’ve read I see that RL-26 or H1000. Have you heard anyone trying accubond or the nosler partitions?

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Nosler ABLR in the 175 variety for my 18”. H4831SC/ADG/215M. 2830fps. SD 4.3 according to garmin Xero.
Pretty much nailed everything here. I’d also highly recommend you try Berger 175 Elite Hunter and 180 Hybrid.

Good luck in the primers as well. Very hard to find. Any magnum primer should do and you can even substitute regular large rifle winchester primers if you can’t find any magnum, winchester ones burn hottest.

Don’t use Hornady brass, it’s not as consistent and you are handicapping yourself and making it harder to learn.

Since you won’t find any RL-26 you could try H1000, Ramshot Magnum, Staball HD, Retumbo.
I have several rifles running Hornady brass that have ES in the low teens and are sub moa, I wouldn't write it off.
I have several rifles running Hornady brass that have ES in the low teens and are sub moa, I wouldn't write it off.
But how much better could you do with ADG brass? Likely could get higher speeds and a little better ES.

I’ve found Hornady brass to be inconsistent. I’m sure there are good and bad lots.
Brass- ADG or peterson

Powder- h1000, N570, RL26

Bullet- personal choice depending on what you expect a bullet to do. 175 eldx, 175 Berger elite, 180 Berger hybrid, 180eldm in no particular order. 180 Berger hybrid does well in my rifle and has done well for me on game

Primer- I use Cci 250 but federal large rifle magnums would be a good choice as well

I just use Hornady FL standard die sets, cheap and easy.
Used a 7 PRC with the following load to put down a cow elk around 450 yards earlier this week:
ADG brass with 68.5 grains of VV N565 powered by Fed 215M primers pushing a Berger 180 Hybrid set .03” off the lands. Velocities for me are right around 2890 with a 22” barrel.
Since you are new to reloading, use your Hornady brass, probably won't see the difference with premium brass. As you get better skilled, then get better brass. Big thing is not to mix brass, keep all the same headstamp. Any mainstream brand dies will work. Buy a manual, read it and learn to be consistent and focused on your process.
Rcbs rockchucker press
A&d fx120i Scale
Hornady match dies
.308 sac bushing

Weapon / load:
7prc mcgowen 8t 20"
Peterson brass
win large primers
160 lrx
Staball hd 72.5grn
Velocity 2960fps