6.8 western build from a tikka?


Dec 19, 2020
I recently had my mind made up on buying one of those new 6.8 westerns and when it came time to pull the trigger (pun intended) I can’t find one anywhere seems like they might be out of them for the foreseeable future. I’m not sure if any of the barrel companies even make them yet. But if I where to start with a tikka would any of the short action rifles work 308, 7mm-08, 270wsm etc? With the 6.8 long heavies would this cause any problems? Is it just as simple as getting a 6.8 barrel and putting it on a short action tikka? Sorry bit of a newb when it comes to build.
Someone more experienced can answer about which bolt would work best, but I would assume a 270 wsm would be the optimal magazine to use. Also, all Tikkas have a ling action, even for short action cartridges.
Tikka would make a good action for a 6.8 western but need to make sure it's a magnum for the right size bolt face and short/long wouldn't really matter as they are all the same with tikka with the change of the bolt stop.
Personally I would just build a 270wsm on a long action with the same fast twist barrel and throated long for the heavies. Get all the benefits of the western but more brass options and actually a smidgen faster. I came very close to doing this exact build but in the end decided to try a 7saum instead

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Tikka actions are all the same size, just different bolt stops making the bolt come back farther. There is no true tikka long action, they are all kind of medium actions. Anything over 3.3” coal is best suited for something else IMO.

To answer your question you would just need a tikka with the correct bolt face. Bolt stops can be switched around very easily and a new one is like 30 bucks. That and you would need the appropriate mags.

I’m not sure there’s enough out there to tell what you would be at to the lands coal wise on a heavy 270 bullet in the new cartridge, but if it’s close to 3.3” I’d pass and build on something else.

I doubt there are any prefits out there for that. So you would minimum need a barrel, possibly a stock that will fit said barrel; an appropriate tikka action, and throw in another half a grand for smithing fees.
Can get a tikka then a proof research prefit 6.5 prc or 7mm saum . About $1000. Honestly by the time you get a custom barrel cut, fluted and such I suspect it would be similar in price. IRRC Tikka barrels are reverse threaded on action compared to Remington so tikka custom builds are a pain for guys that don’t do them all the time. Either of these calibers can do anything the western can do or arguably better .

I’m not 100% sure but I believe a 7mm, 300 win mag, 300 wsm would all be correct bolt face and direct swap outs for a proof prefit prc or SAUM. Ideally the win mag of 7 mag would give best COAL without having to tweak bolt stop.
And since proof barrels are all heavy contour despite being ultra light so you might need to change stocks. AG composites makes an awesome carbon fiber stock for an affordable value, would be drop in with no bedding required. From what I’ve heard there is very little additional work needing on Tikkas like having to true a Remington 700.

with a good deal on the Tikka you could have a sub 7 lb , threaded for break or suppressor , all weather , do it all for close or long range on just about any non bear species in North America for at about $2500 I suspect
You will need an action with a magnum bolt face: a 6.5prc, either of the WSMs, 7 mag or 300 mag. These folks make shouldered or barrel nut pre-fits for Tikkas.

I’ve been thinking about doing the same thing. Not completely sold on the idea yet. Tikka is making 6.5 PRCs that are appropriately twisted. The 6.5 has a lot more bullets available for it at the moment. The 6.8 buys you an extra 20 grains of bullet mass, a bit more energy, and a hair less wind drift, but I seriously doubt any critter would feel the difference between the two before they fell over.
A 270 SAUM using necked up ADG 6.5 SAUM or necked down ADG 7mm SAUM brass would make for a nice 270 build. Only downside would be you'd lose the option to shoot factory 270WSM or 6.8Western ammo.
Lots of things to think about. One thing is I’m not a hand loader so the 7 saum is off the list. One of the things that is intriguing about the 6.8 western is that there is a lot of available ammo and it seems to be at a good price too. At least where I’m at. I can go to sportmans right now and get three different loads for it. I don’t think I can do that with any other caliber at the moment.
I thought about going the 6.5 prc route. There are a bunch of different 6.5 prcs sitting on the shelf but I haven’t seen a single box of 6.5 prc in almost a year!
Should be able to get 7 SAUM in factory ammo. Not easy to find but was a factory chambering. 6.5 prc is the rage right now so ammo hard to find . The reason you are seeing factory 6.8 western is because nobody has it and browning is trying to push it so pumping out ammo to try to push sales.

if you ever end up hand loading will have a lot more bullet choices in 7 or 6.5 , even though the 6.8 western is a big improvement for the 270 vote.

nice thing about 7 is you can run anything from 140 to 175 if you set the twist right. I personally love the 162 for it.
Tikka would make a good action for a 6.8 western but need to make sure it's a magnum for the right size bolt face and short/long wouldn't really matter as they are all the same with tikka with the change of the bolt stop.
Personally I would just build a 270wsm on a long action with the same fast twist barrel and throated long for the heavies. Get all the benefits of the western but more brass options and actually a smidgen faster. I came very close to doing this exact build but in the end decided to try a 7saum instead

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This would seem the easier way of doing it.
I thought about going the 6.5 prc route. There are a bunch of different 6.5 prcs sitting on the shelf but I haven’t seen a single box of 6.5 prc in almost a year!
Since you don't hand load the 6.8 western. Makes the most sense.
Its a better cartridge than the 6.5 prc and factory hunting bullets will be better than the shitty 143 eldx.
Personally I feel a custom throated 7 wsm is about the best of them all, but the 170 class .277 bullets loaded for the western aren't too far behind
I was going to start a new thread but I found and will resurrect this one….

I‘ll premise that I have never done a build other than a stock here and there. I also don’t hand load so I’m very set on this caliber over the 7SAUM and others. In searching I found bits of info here and there and thought it would be good to get info for a 6.8 build in one spot and save on repeat questions.

I’m going to pick up a 270wsm when I find one as it’s already close to the 6.8.
Is there anything that needs to be done to the bolt face? Bolt stop? Or is it usable and safe as is?
I’m looking at the Carbon6 barrel and it will be not be suppressed. Would you go with a 22, 24, or 26” barrel?was thinking 24” I didn‘t see Proof offering a 6.8.

Mesa or AG stock is a tossup right now
Bottom metal and mag?

Would appreciate any input by those more informed and have experience with it.
Any magnum bolf face will work. 300wsm, 300 win mag, 7 rem mag, 6.5 prc. Bolt stop can be swapped out or ground down if needed. Carbon 6 is a good choice in my opinion. Personally I would go 22" but 24" would give roughly 50fps more. Mesa stocks are made by AG so I would choose whichever style you like better. I would use the factory bottom metal and magazine but there are other options out there.
I was going to start a new thread but I found and will resurrect this one….

I‘ll premise that I have never done a build other than a stock here and there. I also don’t hand load so I’m very set on this caliber over the 7SAUM and others. In searching I found bits of info here and there and thought it would be good to get info for a 6.8 build in one spot and save on repeat questions.

I’m going to pick up a 270wsm when I find one as it’s already close to the 6.8.
Is there anything that needs to be done to the bolt face? Bolt stop? Or is it usable and safe as is?
I’m looking at the Carbon6 barrel and it will be not be suppressed. Would you go with a 22, 24, or 26” barrel?was thinking 24” I didn‘t see Proof offering a 6.8.

Mesa or AG stock is a tossup right now
Bottom metal and mag?

Would appreciate any input by those more informed and have experience with it.
You need to do some more research before jumping into this.
No offense intended but the questions you just asked tell that you need to stick
with a factory rifle and learn the fundamentals.
What's your objective?
You need to do some more research before jumping into this.
No offense intended but the questions you just asked tell that you need to stick
with a factory rifle and learn the fundamentals.
What's your objective?

no offense taken.

But you have to start somewhere. My objective it to get a 6.8 Western that I like. Not a fan of the xbolt or XPR firearms that this cartridge is currently offered in. I’m not in a huge rush and hopefully a few other manufacturers will add this caliber to their line up In 2022.
I fully plan on having a smith do the barrel swap if I follow through with this. I don’t have the gauges or equipment here to do it and really can’t justify the extra expense for a build or two.
no offense taken.

But you have to start somewhere. My objective it to get a 6.8 Western that I like. Not a fan of the xbolt or XPR firearms that this cartridge is currently offered in. I’m not in a huge rush and hopefully a few other manufacturers will add this caliber to their line up In 2022.
I fully plan on having a smith do the barrel swap if I follow through with this. I don’t have the gauges or equipment here to do it and really can’t justify the extra expense for a build or two.
Gotcha I hope that didn't come off rude it just sounded like you were diving in without any info.
As mentioned above any magnum bolt faced tikka will work, you need .535 bolt face otherwise the parent case makes zero difference for a rebarrel.
With the tikkas though the 300 wm or 7 rm won't need the bolt catch modified so there's a tiny advantage there.

Get a mountain tactical magnum magazine and use the factory bottow metal and trigger.
Being a new cartridge there probably aren't a lot of smiths with the reamer yet, but my first call would be Karl from Kampfeld Customs

I'm not a big fan of CF barrels, personally I'd get a #3 ss barrel from Krieger, Bartlein, Benchmark, or Rock Creek.
22-24" would be perfect unless you're going supressed.
Also McGowan is an affordable one stop option.
Good luck and have fun