Been sesrching this form and i have found a lot of very similar but not quite the same threads that fit my question.
Getting my tiika t3x cut down and i am debating between 18" or 20". This is mainly a deer rifle and where i hunt most shots are under 200 yard but i do like to stretch it out at the range. It will basically always be supressed and i am shooting factory ammo, so far my rifle seems to like gmx the best.
Anyone have experience shooting these barrel lengths with factory ammo?
Getting my tiika t3x cut down and i am debating between 18" or 20". This is mainly a deer rifle and where i hunt most shots are under 200 yard but i do like to stretch it out at the range. It will basically always be supressed and i am shooting factory ammo, so far my rifle seems to like gmx the best.
Anyone have experience shooting these barrel lengths with factory ammo?