6.5 PRC bullet opinion

If your goal is DRT, the ELDX, Berger or similar will work fantastic. Rapid expansion at close range does tend to make a mess but the deer isn't going anywhere. With the bonded and mono bullets, as recommended by many above, you have a much better chance of the deer running a ways before dying.
Realistically any bullet will work for your situation. I shoot 140 ab out of my 6.5 saum only because I elk hunt with it as well. If I didn’t I’d look hard at an eldx or Gamechanger, something cheaper. It’s very hard to find a gameking or Gamechanger that won’t shoot tiny groups. They can be found about anywhere for 0.35-0.40$/ bullet. Best wishes.
6.5-284 and 6.5prc are essentially the same.

Just load the 156 down to 2900 and call it good or load the 7mm with 180’s?
The particular 6.5x284 I shoot is in the mid 2700’s. So a good bit slower. That’s what I’m planning on doing though load the 156’s slower in my prc.
The particular 6.5x284 I shoot is in the mid 2700’s. So a good bit slower. That’s what I’m planning on doing though load the 156’s slower in my prc.
Is it a 6.5-284 Norma?

My 6.5-284 is shooting the 156 at 3020, and that’s not even max load.

Regardless, a 156 at 2900 is pretty potent medicine.
Is it a 6.5-284 Norma?

My 6.5-284 is shooting the 156 at 3020, and that’s not even max load.

Regardless, a 156 at 2900 is pretty potent medicine

Yep 6.5x284 Norma. Was my grandpas. He had a guy loading for him, the load was in the 2700’s. Sounds like that was on the low side. I’m fixing to start loading for it myself and I tend to run things hot so im sure ill end up getting a velocity closer to yours.
I’ve never had issues on South Dakota whitetails at close range with a 270 or a 243 shooting c&c bullets like the sst or the gameking shooting over 3000 fps and less weight than what you are shooting, But I also don’t consider a bullet that didn’t exit a “failure”. I think you would be just fine with the 156 Berger but if you are that concerned you could switch to the 150 Accubond long range from nosler. I’m not a big fan of the monos but they will have more retained weight/controlled expansion at high velocity/close range, i just never needed to invest that kind of money on bullets to kill critters with. Killed the mule deer in my profile last year at 100 yards with a .270 win 130 gameking with a muzzle velocity of 3080 fps. He was bigger bodied than any whitetail and died just as fast. Bullet did not exit but lungs were jelly.
147 eldm shoots great out of my prc.
killed two whitetail at a 130 yards and both dropped within 50 yards.
I have taken a pile of animals at those ranges with the eldx and eldm. If you do your part, no tracking is required.

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I load 2 different bullets in mine....130ab with h1k, @3100, and 139 scenar with rl26 @ 3000.

Both are excellent accuracy wise, and pile drivers on game.

I tend to use the scenar more than the AB, only because I have more and they are flat out hammers on game
I have had great luck with the 156 in 6.5 prc and two friends use my load hunting, all three guns from different manufacturers shoot clover leaf groups.
In my 6.5PRC I use:
Berger 156 Elite Hunter
56.7gr N565
Fed 210M Primer
ADG Brass
I've shot javelina at 150 yards and coues deer at 462 yards with this load and it's been fantastic.