6.5 Grendel


May 7, 2020
I know there are other forums with a lot of info but thought I would ask here. Anyone load for Grendel? If so what is your go to powder? I am having trouble getting a proof carbon barrel to shoot the way I think it should.
I do. Go to powders are 8208 XBR for anything 123 or under, and LeverEvolution for anything heavier. If you can't get 8208 XBR to shoot 120's well, you might have bigger problems. Both Grendels I've owned (Savage bolt gun and Howa Mini) shot 120 NBT's, ELD-M and Speer Gold Dots into tiny little groups over 8208 XBR.
I was poking around for my 6.5 G in a gas gun and had some good feedback here. My guess is that it's probably an entirely different ball of wax in a bolt gun, but H335 and CFE223 is what I've been messing around with. Crazy thing is that the smaller bullets (90 gr) shoot really well and I can't get a bigger bullet (120+) to shoot for a damn. I'm going to play around with CBTO and some different primers on the next go around.

I have had pretty good luck with Varget in everything I have tried it in. I even sprinkle the stuff on my eggs in the morning.
28 grains of 8208, 123 SMK, CCI BR4.
Accurate 2520 / ShootersWord Match Rifle deserves a hard look too.
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I use CFE as well. Mine is a 18” Grendel hunter barrel (I believe the SAAMI II spec...slightly longer throat) and with 123 SST and 129 ABLR I can get about 1 MOA out of my gas gun. Haven’t tried for much better because it’s a hunting gun and meets the need.
You guys have me wanting to try CFE 223 now, while I still have some LVR on hand, just to test them side-by-side. I sure wish either of those fed through my measure as well as 8208 though. I haven't found anything that feeds as consistently for me, out of my cheap Lee measure, than 8208. That makes me lazy, and makes me lean toward that powder for lots of things.

LVR is fantastic for the heavies in the Grendel, but it's a bit dirty. Always leaves some crud around the necks. Maybe CFE 223 won't do that. If it gives me the same performance as LVR, I'll switch.
I know there are other forums with a lot of info but thought I would ask here. Anyone load for Grendel? If so what is your go to powder? I am having trouble getting a proof carbon barrel to shoot the way I think it should.
Sort of surprised that the best Grendel powder, in my opinion, hasn’t been mentioned. CFE223 is good, but a ball powder and more temp sensitive. IMR8208 XBR was my go to. Extremely accurate and velocities are near the top for Grendel - 2500-2600 w/ 123 pills. But pressures get high near max. I get similar velocity and accuracy with AR-Comp, but with less pressure. It’s also one of the best powders I’ve found for my 18” .223 wylde barrel with a couple different 55 gr bullets. Both my Black Hole Weaponry barrels love AR-Comp.
I've noodled around with Benchmark, CFE223, and H335 since my post a while back. Had good luck with the CFE so far, have some buddies that know their stuff saying 8208 and BLC(2) are worth chasing down. My gas gun has been a pain in the ass but I'm making progress. Need more education on that front.