6.5 Creedmoor/260 for Deer, Elk, and whatever else.....


I have a question for the knowledgeable people here .

My 6.5 CM has been feed a diet of AR2209 ( 4350 your equivalent , I’m in Australia ) and 129gr Hornady SST projectiles .
Tikka T3x 20 inch barrel .
I found an accurate load with this combo very easily and so I just didn’t bother looking any harder .
My targeted species are

Chital Deer ( size and weight equivalent to a medium White Tail as bests as I can work out )

Pigs ( everything from tiny to big )

Wild Dogs ( Dingoes, your equivalent Coyotes )

I don’t shoot further than 350 yrds

The SST’s have worked well , but at times aren’t the best on the Wild Dogs with a few “ runners “ due to over penetration and not dumping enough energy in the small framed animals.

My question is because my supply of SST’s is starting to run low , I am considering trying a different projectile .
I see the 130 gr Sierra TMK gets a few mentions here and I was wondering if it might be a better choice if it’s a bit more fragile on the Dogs while still getting the job done on the bigger animals.
I realise I’m after a bit of a “ Holy Grail “ projectile, but what are your thoughts ?
If not the 130 TMK what other options would you suggest ?


The sst is very good fragmenting bullet, I don’t see any other bullet doing any better at the distance you’re looking at.
130 TMK and 130 ELDM are all I’ve shot in my 6.5C since I started loading for it. The 130 TMK was devastating on a mule deer this past fall but that’s my only kill with it. I shared damage photos earlier in the thread, destroyed a large portion of the onside shoulder that I barely clipped the edge of. I’ve only shot steel and paper with the 130 ELDM so far but it shoots very well in my tikka. If your concern is “enough damage”, I can’t imagine that either bullet at the distances you’re shooting will be insufficient to kill dogs or deer. I would argue the main concern is likely “too much damage”. For this reason, I used a 223 with 77 TMK when I shot my whitetail this fall.

For your use case it would be hard to beat the 223 and 77 TMK combo but I think 130’s in the 6.5 will be more than adequate, and likely overkill.
Large wild boar, ~2 inch shield, thin subcutaneous fat
135gr 6.5mm DRT Terminal Shock
2350fps broadside impact through shoulder
~3 inch wide max wound channel with no exit
Tungsten powder visible throughout wound channel
Copper jacket cornflakes in offside shoulder
Broken scapula with tungsten stains

Pig dropped upon impact.
View attachment 849240View attachment 849241View attachment 849242

Medium wild pig sow, thick subcutaneous fat
135gr 6.5mm DRT Terminal Shock
2150fps quartering away impact through ribcage
~4 - 5 inch wide max wound channel with no exit
Tungsten powder and copper jacket recovered in offside shoulder

Pig ran ~15 yards before belly-flopping and dying.
View attachment 849245View attachment 849246

Medium wild pig sow, thick subcutaneous fat
135gr 6.5mm DRT Terminal Shock
2350fps broadside impact through shoulder
~4 inch wide max wound channel with smaller exit
Tungsten powder and partial copper jacket recovered in offside shoulder
Broken/dislocated vertebra
Two holes in offside lung (looks like some fragments went lower, some higher)

Pig dropped upon impact.
View attachment 849247View attachment 849248
I have been eyeing this ammo, would love to try it. What distances were these? Have you gotten good accuracy?

What barrel length are you running and MV?
I hadn’t considered the 130 eldm to be honest, anyone have a thought about it’s ability to perform the tasks I require ?

I don't think it'll make a difference. Even the 120 eldm going a little faster is likely not much of an "upgrade." SST are great killing bullets.

I would probably try the 100gr ELD VT and really stand on the gas.
I have been eyeing this ammo, would love to try it. What distances were these? Have you gotten good accuracy?

What barrel length are you running and MV?
180y, 290y, 180y
Hand load accuracy has been adequate, ~1.4 MOA 10 round groups.
24 inch t3x 6.5cm barrel, ~2670fps.

I haven't heard great things about the DRT factory ammo QC, so I stick to hand loads. I only use them in CA. I prefer to hunt with ELD-M for higher BC and availability.
180y, 290y, 180y
Hand load accuracy has been adequate, ~1.4 MOA 10 round groups.
24 inch t3x 6.5cm barrel, ~2670fps.

I haven't heard great things about the DRT factory ammo QC, so I stick to hand loads. I only use them in CA. I prefer to hunt with ELD-M for higher BC and availability.
Fair enough. I personally like an entrance and exit, why I mainly use the Barnes lrx. I wanted to try the 156 Bergers but idk if the terminal performance would be what I want