6.5 Creedmoor/260 for Deer, Elk, and whatever else.....

What brass are you guys using for your 65cm? Brand and primer size?
I have a pile of the Hornady brass thanks to people leaving it at the range, once-fired, and additionally I have a lot of the Lapua small rifle primer brass. For large rifle primers I used CCI 200 primers, and for the small rifle I've used both the CCI 450 and Ginex NATO primer. I cannot say I've ever noticed it hard to keep a single digit SD assuming the powder and bullet were agreeable to the barrel.

For pickup Hornady brass I simply do my normal case prep, and I anneal it so I can then track annealing every other firing.

The small rifle brass gets cratered due to the R700 firing pin, and I've not had it bushed. Granted it's mostly a cosmetic thing at this point.
2663 fps out of a 20" barrel with a 143 grain bullet is pretty good. That is one of the cool things about these modern cartridge designs. They work with a pretty large cross-section of powder burn rates.

I can't get much more out of 6.5SB before hitting pressure (about 2670 fps). I am able to get to 2747 with H100V, but my SD and accuracy with that load isn't anywhere near the N560 load (25.6 and 1.2MOA vs 6.8 and 0.8MOA, respectively)

Edit to add: Also, that load will get me to about 630 yards and still be at 1800 fps (effective bullet performance velocity) at WV elevations.
I'm not sure what the capacity difference is between the 6.5CM and the 7mm-08, but I'm getting 2628 MV out of my suppressed 18" Tikka with 46.5 gr of SB6.5 and 162 ELDX.
What brass are you guys using for your 65cm? Brand and primer size?
I have peterson brass that Im using for my real important hunting loads, but I got a bunch of once fired Hornady brass off a guy that im using to plink and practice with and for my coyote loads. They have been just fine. I had a bad taste in my mouth for hornady brass, but if you dont push them too hard they are fine.
What brass are you guys using for your 65cm? Brand and primer size?
I have Lapua, both LR and SR primer pocket sizes. I also have quite a bit of Hornady brass. I use lot-sorted Lapua brass when I want to eliminate as many variables as I can (i.e, for my target riffle), but honestly the Hornday brass seems to be doing just fine. I don't have as many loadings on the Hornady brass as the Lapua, however.
I have peterson brass that Im using for my real important hunting loads, but I got a bunch of once fired Hornady brass off a guy that im using to plink and practice with and for my coyote loads. They have been just fine. I had a bad taste in my mouth for hornady brass, but if you dont push them too hard they are fine.
Do you mind expanding on this? What did you have happen with Hornady brass (f you dont' mind sharing)? Thanks!
I have Lapua, both LR and SR primer pocket sizes. I also have quite a bit of Hornady brass. I use lot-sorted Lapua brass when I want to eliminate as many variables as I can (i.e, for my target riffle), but honestly the Hornday brass seems to be doing just fine. I don't have as many loadings on the Hornady brass as the Lapua, however.

Do you mind expanding on this? What did you have happen with Hornady brass (f you dont' mind sharing)? Thanks!
I just got primer pockets loosen up quickly on them in other cartridges. So they didnt last long.
My 6th doe this year with the 143eld-x. This was the hardest tracking job I’ve had with this bullet. 260 yards but shot high and a little far forward. Found a few drops of blood and lost it in the flooded woods. Luckily I was able to find it in a clearing about 80 yards from where I shot it.


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My 6th doe this year with the 143eld-x. This was the hardest tracking job I’ve had with this bullet. 260 yards but shot high and a little far forward. Found a few drops of blood and lost it in the flooded woods. Luckily I was able to find it in a clearing about 80 yards from where I shot it.
I would've thought that would drop it on the spot.
Just didn't get lucky with any CNS effect. Rare to see one drop immediately unless CNS is struck. Absolutely not a failure.
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I have peterson brass that Im using for my real important hunting loads, but I got a bunch of once fired Hornady brass off a guy that im using to plink and practice with and for my coyote loads. They have been just fine. I had a bad taste in my mouth for hornady brass, but if you dont push them too hard they are fine.
Thanks. I have gunwerks brass and 100 factory loaded hornady interlocks to shoot so I'll either use the gunwerks or hornady brass. Gonna have about 150 barnes nickel plated brass too but doubt those are worth reloading
Roger that, and I had mild pressure at 46.7 and deep ejector marks at 47. 46.5 is definitely the sweet spot. No pressure signs and .75-1.25 MOA 10-shot groups. Sweet and handy little outfit.

I can get up to 48.5 grains and a Federal Fusion 160 grain in my 7-08AI before I start to see pressure. That is a Bartlein barrel chambered by Southern Precision.
What brass are you guys using for your 65cm? Brand and primer size?
I have used Lapua LRP and Alpha LRP, with Fed 210 primers or CCI 200, but have used Hornady and Sellier and Bellot, Starline, etc. they all shoot just fine, with little difference, other than seemingly shortened brass life for the Hornady. The S&B stuff is quite good and their factory loads are about as cheap as they come and are quite accurate, giving you a bunch of once fired brass.
What would you guys choose if you could find the following equally available?

130 TMK
140 ELDM
147 ELDM
142 LRAB

TMK are the cheapest on sale for $41 CAD per 100
I bought 500 tmk’s for $.28 each usd and another 500 for $.29 each after I found out how great they work. Cheap and effective, makes my frugal happy.