6.5 CM Chambering Issues - Factory Ammo

Sep 24, 2018

I purchased a box of factory ammo that would not chamber in 6.5CM. This guy seems to reference a bunch of stuff that only reloaders would understand. What I gather from it is there are some issues with the brass manufacturing in this chambering. Here is my question for those that have some experience on the subject:

1) Is there a situation where I could get a box of factory ammo where some rounds chamber, and others do not (same box)?
2) Is it possible that if I am using factory ammo that chambers well in one box, that another box of the same factory ammo could not chamber?

I would like to avoid at all costs having a stoppage in a hunting situation due to this problem.
That guy is..... not worth wasting time listening to.

The vast majority of time factory ammo/chambers work fine. Every once and a while you run into an issue. Generally it’s an ammo issue, not a rifle one. I’ve shot more factory 6.5 Creedmoor than that guy has ever seen. Buy a good rifle and good ammo and don’t worry about it.

I purchased a box of factory ammo that would not chamber in 6.5CM.

Some more details could be helpful.
What brand of factory ammo and what brand of rifle?

I’ve owned 5. 6.5 CM‘s and have fired thousands of rounds of factory ammo without issue.

Have you tried other brands of factory ammo with the same results?
I’ve spoken with a couple of people who have had detachable magazine rifles that needed some tweaking to make them feed right.
Eliminate your variables to isolate your problem.

I had the good fortune to speak with Randy several years ago. It took me about as much time to figure out how much a knew about gun smithing as it did for me to figure out that Epstein didn’t kill him self
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Short answer is yes to each.

On your first question...ammunition is a manufactured product and stuff happens.

However, on your second question specifically this may be dependent on the production run of the ammunition. It would be rare that that ammunition from one box would fit and then ammunition from a second box of ammunition from the same lot/batch would not fit. Chances are if you buy multiple boxes off the shelf at the same time they are from the same lot/batch. If you have problems with one box I would expect problems with the rest in that lot.

Firearms can have issues as easy as ammunition can. As stated above eliminate variables. Also, easiest thing to do is contact the ammunition and firearm manufacturer.

P.S. that guy is sickening to listen to.
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What is the rifle? I’ve got a short throat reamer but is sure isn’t what the factory would use. Is yours custom?

I purchased a box of factory ammo that would not chamber in 6.5CM. ...I would like to avoid at all costs having a stoppage in a hunting situation due to this problem.

Not accusing you of this, but some people have tried using the wrong caliber. 6.5 x 55 or 6.5 Swede are not “just what the Europeans call it”. (Actual quote from a gun counter employee at Sportsman’s Warehouse).

best bet if you are worried about rounds chambering in a hunting situation: take them to the range, and chamber each and every one of them. Then you will have confidence in the shells in your pocket.
Not accusing you of this, but some people have tried using the wrong caliber. 6.5 x 55 or 6.5 Swede are not “just what the Europeans call it”. (Actual quote from a gun counter employee at Sportsman’s Warehouse).

best bet if you are worried about rounds chambering in a hunting situation: take them to the range, and chamber each and every one of them. Then you will have confidence in the shells in your pocket.

As long as it starts with the same number should be good, send it! Some counter folks scare the heck out of me, I think they fill empty spots with anybody available sometimes.

If you are newer to hunting rifles and ammo, make sure and research what you are told at the big box stores, you never know their experience level at the counter.

I have yet to be begin to procrastinate.
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It is possible and I’ve had the same thing happen. Some custom and semi-custom rifles are built with very tight tolerances including chambers. My H-S Precision 6.5CM flawlessly feeds most factory ammo (Federal, Hornady, Nosler all good) and handloads, but I still have one box of factory where none will feed; and I had another experience with a well-known custom ammo maker that had an extremely tight fit and I could barely close the bolt on a few.
Yeah, old Randy is convoluting a bunch of issues from the crappy reamer he bought originally to bad brass he bought years ago and turning his misfortune into an issue that doesn’t really exist. Is it possible to buy a rifle off the shelf that has issues that’ll prevent some rounds from chambering? Sure it possible. Just like you could buy a bad box of ammo. Both scenarios are rare. I have a custom 6.5cm that’s throated specifically for 140gr HVLDs and it has never had an issue chambering a factory round or one of my handloads. My wife’s Savage 110 6.5cm has had ZERO issues with factory loads or handloads. Now, we rarely shoot anything but handloads, Hornady Precision Hunter and Federal Fusion ammo but I have tried other stuff in the past; and I don’t know anyone that’s had chambering issues.

OP: If you are experiencing a chambering issue, I would want to run that problem down. If you don’t have a hand loader buddy that can check the specs on some of your cartridges that don’t feed, I’d go see a gunsmith. A round that won’t chamber can only be 2 things: A. The round is out of spec or B the chamber is out of spec. My inclination is that, if you’ve had more than 1 box of ammo that won’t chamber, the problem is most likely to lie in the chamber of your rifle. Is your rifle new??

Easy way to insure you don’t have chambering issues on a hunt:
1. Check that ALL the rounds you leave home with chamber....BEFORE you pack your rifle.
2. Keep your ammo and your rifle clean.

Easy peasy. Hope you get your problem resolved. The 6.5cm is a terrific round that should provide you lots of accuracy and dependability. If it doesn’t it’s a fluke and you need to resolve why not. .....and WITHOUT old Randy’s help! Lol!

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I am fairly certain this is not an issue with the chamber specs. All the factory Hornady rounds I have fired chambered without any issue. The chambering issue I experienced came out of 1 box of Federal ammo where all rounds in box would not chamber. Federal ending up sending me a refund for the ammo after follow up with them but provided no explanation.

Regarding the approach of chambering all live rounds before you go hunting I don't think that is safe or practical. This is not something I have ever had an issue with and I can appreciate those that offered that as a method to help ensure I avoid the aforementioned problem.
I've had the same experience with Federal ammo in 338 Federal. Two of a box of 20 wouldn't chamber in my Kimber. Federal folks don't seem to be too concerned over their problems and offered to send me $4.......big deal!
I am fairly certain this is not an issue with the chamber specs. All the factory Hornady rounds I have fired chambered without any issue. The chambering issue I experienced came out of 1 box of Federal ammo where all rounds in box would not chamber. Federal ending up sending me a refund for the ammo after follow up with them but provided no explanation.

Regarding the approach of chambering all live rounds before you go hunting I don't think that is safe or practical. This is not something I have ever had an issue with and I can appreciate those that offered that as a method to help ensure I avoid the aforementioned problem.

I'd guess that it was the ammo but it is possible that a chamber is below minimum spec'd dimensions and one brand of ammo is below maximum spec'd dimensions enough to chamber while another is close to maximum spec'd dimensions and wont chamber.

I would disagree that chambering live rounds to insure they fit isn't safe. Yeah, you shouldn't have to but it isn't difficult or unsafe. Many who carry every day are chambering/unchambering live rounds daily.
Randy's videos are hilarious viewed through the lens of them being a parody.

Gotta get me some of that Lapua-Hornady brass. Hopefully I don't ever get any of that non anealed stuff either.

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As long as it starts with the same number should be good, send it! Some counter folks scare the heck out of me, I think they fill empty spots with anybody available sometimes.

If you are newer to hunting rifles and ammo, make sure and research what you are told at the big box stores, you never know their experience level at the counter.

I have yet to be begin to procrastinate.

My experience is that they will give you an answer weather they have it or not.

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I am fairly certain this is not an issue with the chamber specs. All the factory Hornady rounds I have fired chambered without any issue. The chambering issue I experienced came out of 1 box of Federal ammo where all rounds in box would not chamber. Federal ending up sending me a refund for the ammo after follow up with them but provided no explanation.

So it sounds like you isolated the problem.

The fix is to stay with what is proven to work and don’t go looking for answers on the interweb to questions that already have answers.

Ive only had 3 factory ammo issues in 40 years of shooting. 2 were Federal and 1 was early Fiocchi shotshells.
To the OP - chambering live ammo is only as dangerous as you make it....
I will say from the 5 6.5CM I have owned there is more variations in chamber dimensions than the 6 or so 7mm-08’s I have loaded for.
After I had a bad feeding experience in my 6.5cm had the chamber checked and it was perfect. In my case It was definitely the ammo. It shouldn’t ever happen but with the explosion in demand for 6.5cm ammo QC sometimes suffers.