4th times a charm… maybe.

Mar 12, 2023
Here’s a quick recap of the last 3 years of Washington highbuck hunts. Maybe the 4th will finally be my year. 😂

Year 1: first year trying the high buck.
Decided to give the highbuck a go, figured my massively out of shape self could do it despite everyone online saying you gotta be in shape. I was wrong, took my equally out of shape father in law along with me. We lasted one night and made the decision to pack it in or risk being a search and rescue story.

Year 2: 30lbs down but had a baby so no hunting. Probably wasn’t ready anyway

Year 3. 30 more lbs down, several trail races and a marathon under my belt. In shape.
Just got back from this trip. Took my dad along this time, he had been training but not nearly enough. This was a mistake. Day one his hip started acting up and he basically couldn’t leave camp. Day two he started getting a cough. I day hunted from camp but this didn’t allow me nearly the time needed to get to where I needed or wanted to go. Day 3 his cough develops into a full blown cold. We decide to pack up and head out which I’m glad we did because it took all he had to get back to the truck.

Next year is gonna be my year. If nothing else I want to get to where I want to go and hunt the way I want to hunt. I’ll probably go alone. What a turbulent 3 years lol.

I hope you all are having better luck!!!