.45 or .50 muzzleloader for permit elk tag


Nov 4, 2015

My Uncle got very lucky and drew a NM late season bull tag. I am new to muzzeloading and am trying to help him pick out a muzzie.

I currently have a CVA optima that is .50 and I shoot .45 sabots. We are looking at the CVA .45 long range 30". And are trying to decide on a .45 or .50 caliber.

Anyone have any recommendations on what he should buy for this hunt? We want to get it set up and shooting as soon as possible.

Also what is "modern Muzzleloader" range on an elk?

Thanks for any input
I have a CVA paramount pro in 45cal. It's impressive at long range for sure. Like anything long range heavy for caliber bullets have a better BC and drift less in the wind. That's what makes the 45 more popular in these new designs. You need to keep in mind velocity at impact otherwise your bullet won't preform as intended.
You gain virtually nothing from the 30" barrel vs a 26". The fps increase is tiny. The Optima V2 LR is a 28 and a good compromise.

The dealio with the newer CVA 45s is the barrels run large so getting bullet fit correct can be a chore unless you just want to shoot over priced PowerBelt ELRs. Tons of owners are quite pissed about this oversized 45cal choice that CVA made.