40 Mile Air - Repeat Customer?

Jul 16, 2021
I have Caribou hunted with BRA and have a moose trip planned in 2026. I am wanting to get back out for Caribou and really interested in going with 40 mile air. With the way they book returning clients first I was wondering if there was anyone out there who has been with them before that would be interested in going again with 2 or 3 others to make a group of 3 or 4?

I have hunted all over and very experienced. Would love to chat about a year that might work for you and would be more than willing to cover part of your trip for getting us on the books for a good set of dates.

Please PM me if this is something that would interest you and look forward to hearing from my fellow Roksliders. I love reading the Rokslide reviews and posts
Jul 16, 2021
I've flown with 40MA for 30 years and they are all personal friends, but I don't know you or your friends. You may be great guys but that's just not an arrangement I'd get involved in.
30 years of sticking with them reassures my research that they are a top notch operation. I fully understand their approach with allowing repeat clients first chance at dates and booking. It would be kinda cool if they had a very small set of days they reserved for new clients and put new clients in a random "draw" for those few slots to get their foot in the door with them. Without an invite it is tough for a new guy to utilize their services and make it on the list.

VernAK - I completely understand it is not something for everyone. It is no different than knocking on farmers door for permission...it is always a no until you ask...

Plenty of folks out there who like adventure and trying something new and meeting new hunting partners. With me being willing to cover part of someone's trip I would think there might be someone out there who would be interested


Aug 5, 2023
whitehorse, YT
it is complicated without knowing you from the people you are asking that ... i will tell you why and you might understand or not ...
every odd year we re using the same floatplane company for almost now 14 years so 7 trip if im counting well. they re flying us like other yukoners in different locations of their own choice without having the risk to meet someone else.
few times i have been asked to share and go together with people i know but not very well and my answer has always been the same go on your own: find something that will work with and for you.

most people doing that kind of trip are not saving in taking an extra person or more they do not know.

how do you know that it will work with the people you re going with and it is valid both way?
alaska or the yukon for us is not the place to take a chance even for saving some money and being in trouble with not prepared not, having the same ethic and everything else.

i wish you good luck on your quest.


Aug 14, 2018
In my 12-15 remote Alaska hunts, the guys I did NOT know beforehand (met them via posting for an AK hunting partner here and on other hunting forums) turned out to be much more prepared than the guys I knew beforehand. I think the guys I knew figured that I had most of the planning and prep covered, and were not as dedicated in prepping their rifles, their gear, and themselves.

Mike, the one comment I will make is that hunting with three guys I just met would be a tough one for me. I always opted for two hunters only, me and one other guy. The only time I made an exception was in 2023, when I took my buddy and his son up with me. Even knowing them both beforehand, three guys in camp wasnt my favorite as it made enjoying peace and solitude more challenging.

Good luck to you, hope you find a good hunt option for you and your friends.