~$3500 scope, made in Texas. What am I missing?

If I remember correctly, YouTube makes you pick a thumbnail for your video… hate to be critical, but that’s the thumbnail he picked for his video? Haha

I do appreciate people trying to break into competitive markets, but man, this looks like a hard sell
I only know this because of a few videos I've made for Rokslide... If you don't select a thumbnail and just "next through" all of the screens like I do, it makes its own thumbnail for you.

~$3500 scope, made in Texas. What am I missing?​

Apparently nothing, ever again, according to the doctor!

That video was one mustache short of a Borat skit. “I have a glass from the Japan, they have glass from the Japan, I have turrets with many numbers, they have turrets with many numbers, I have bubble on the inside making a distraction, they cannot afford, very nice!”