338 Lapua Improved recoil


Jun 16, 2023
Just got this rifle, it came with 300 grain Hornadys loaded up with 94 grns of 7828sc at 2950fps. Gun weighs 9.3 pounds with 3 rounds in it ready to hunt. I also have a 338 Snipetac so I am no stranger to heavy recoiling guns but this thing is brutal to shoot. My question is would going down in bullet weight and maybe a slower burning powder make a enough difference? Anyone that has one of these some input would be great. It already has a 5 port break and a butt pad.
I don’t shoot a 338 Lupua, but I got a Caldwell Recoil Shield for using when I want to shoot more with magnums. Really does a good job protecting the shoulder.
Are you going to hunt with it or is it just a range toy? At 9.3 lbs that thing is going to beat the piss out of you, I've been there. You've got three options:

1: Drop bullet weight significantly, like 225 grn max and keep em at 2800ish fps for reduced recoil.

2: Make it alot heavier.

3: Sell it and use the money on something more realistic if you want a lightish rifle. 338 LMI isn't it.
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Yes I was going to hunt with it, adding weight to it isn’t an option. Do you think going down to 250 grainers will make a difference?
What stock is it in? I’ve found that a properly designed and built stock makes a big difference in felt recoil.
A generic recoil calculator says your rifle generates 76.73 ft. lbs. of recoil based in the info you provided. The same calculator says my 10.5 lb 7 RM with 180s @ 2925 fps generates 38.33 ft. lbs. of recoil. My 7 is about the limit of my personal recoil tolerance.

According to that same calculator, you'd have to load 225s @ 2800 fps and bump the rifle weight up to 12.5 lbs to get it down to a similar 38.39 ft. lbs. of recoil. That calculator isn't gospel obviously but its easy to see the huge difference.
What hunting scenario are you using this gun for? I can't imagine myself having a hunting weight 338 lapua of any sort for any game. Range toy at 17lbs is a different story.
There’s a lot of big canyons that I hunt where you’re on foot for several miles and you need to shoot a cross one, either the animal gets away or you have to be able to shoot 1000 yards plus to make the kill. Yes I will always try and get closer if I can but sometimes it isn’t possible so it’s nice to have the capability. The gun wouldn’t have to way 17 pounds to be easy to shoot. My Snipetac weighs 14 pounds shoots a 300 grain bullet at 3300 and is fine to shoot.
There’s a lot of big canyons that I hunt where you’re on foot for several miles and you need to shoot a cross one, either the animal gets away or you have to be able to shoot 1000 yards plus to make the kill. Yes I will always try and get closer if I can but sometimes it isn’t possible so it’s nice to have the capability. The gun wouldn’t have to way 17 pounds to be easy to shoot. My Snipetac weighs 14 pounds shoots a 300 grain bullet at 3300 and is fine to shoot.
You're tougher than me. I'll be damned if I'm shooting anything larger than a fast 30 cal. Even that wouldn't be by choice. I hope you can find a comfortable way to shoot that beast.
If you’re just trying to reduce recoil to shoot with it at the range, you could work up a reduced load. The Lyman Cast Bullet Handbook has some large magnums, maybe not quite 338 LM, but close, and then GRT to check the load. I think it’s the Lee Modern Reloading 2nd edition that also details a way to work up reduced charges for loading cast boolits. I think I looked at this for a 375 RUM and it was in the neighborhood of 23-25gr of Unique. Do your own work of course.
Yes I was going to hunt with it, adding weight to it isn’t an option. Do you think going down to 250 grainers will make a difference?
You can play around with the numbers here to see the effect of different bullet weights at different MVs but as others have said, a .338 Lapua in a sub-10-pound rifle is still going to have elephant-gun levels of recoil:

Note: Around 1500 m/s is reasonable in a big cartridge for the Velocity of Charge parameter.
This thread isn’t about your opinion on long range hunting, if you can’t contribute move on, just because you can’t do it or it’s not your thing whatever move on. Being able to shoot something long range is hunting. Takes lots of practice, no different than bowhunters that take shots 60 yards plus…..
I've never once felt or remembered recoil shooting a game animal. Even 3 1/2 inch magnums on geese. But I've never shot a 9 pound gun spitting a 394 grain charge at 2950 fps. You're definitely bringing enough gun.

I've seen 7mm STW and 30-378 Wbm (which I politely declined an opportunity to shoot). You're at the next level.

I don't know how you would soften up a 338 LM without giving away what it's good at.
I've never once felt or remembered recoil shooting a game animal. Even 3 1/2 inch magnums on geese. But I've never shot a 9 pound gun spitting a 394 grain charge at 2950 fps. You're definitely bringing enough gun.

I've seen 7mm STW and 30-378 Wbm (which I politely declined an opportunity to shoot). You're at the next level.

I don't know how you would soften up a 338 LM without giving away what it's good at.
You’re right about that it’s the range time, and trying to shoot very small groups at all the ranges I want to shoot out to. I will not shoot at a game animal unless I have it shooting 1/2 moa at all ranges. This wasn’t my first choice at all for a build but it was done and ready to go so I bought it. I have a big hunt coming up so I didn’t have time to wait. Probably just rework the load and shoot lighter bullets.