I'll post again for you:PayPal: Send & Request
I tried and can't send you the money since you have no paypal account registered. See the link I listed from paypal for details. The money is waiting to be transferred but until you fix it on your end it won't.
Literally never been a problem with anyone else and I buy and sell stuff all the time. No need to be rude.
How about you send your PP and I'll send you a request? Maybe that'll be easier....
PP account cant be what you list it as. its not a complete PP account name. I tried everything, c'mon buddy, get with the program.
Michael Ohrt needs to create a PayPal account to accept your $100.00. Once they do, we'll transfer it from your account. We'll cancel this transaction if they don't accept it in 10 days.
Here is what I got from paypal..the damned money is sitting there waiting for you to accept it......geez. How about you open the link sent by paypal in the post above.