.300 Win Mag: Partition Problems


Jan 8, 2019
I'm wondering if anyone else has noticed the same issue with Nosler Partitions. I shot 180 gr. Partitions out of my Tikka T3 .300 this year. Accuracy was good. But, I noticed that after I removed and emptied the mag, the nose of the bullets would be slightly flattened from rubbing against the front of the magazine. I have not shot any of the flattened bullets, so I am not sure exactly how much of an impact it will have on accuracy. I read online on one website that this happens due the the shock of the recoil, which makes some sense due to the relatively light weight of the rifle. But, I seem to remember noticing the flattened nose in the field before I even squeezed the trigger this year. I have never had this happen with lead-nosed bullets in any other caliber, and I had not heard of it happening to anyone else.

Has anyone else noticed this? I am leaning towards switching to Accubonds, as I doubt the same problem would occur with the polymer tip. That said, has anyone noticed a similar problem with Accubonds?
That is fairly common and shouldn't change POI. Just take the flattened ones and shoot a group bet they are spot on. You won't get it with polymer tip ammo (maybe if you look at them you may see a slight flattening on the tip but it wont "loo" as bad.
Agree with the above. Have the same thing happen with my 270win and 150 partitions. Tested the flattened vs undeformed bullets and only noticed about an 1” difference trajectory at 450yards (just the distances I tested it at). No change in group size
I have a T3 in .300WSM and have noticed it on a few over the years. I just use em at the range, never noticed a difference in impact at 100 yards.
I just take a piece of sandpaper and cone them back out when they get real flat. Been shooting 165 NP in the 06 flavor for 10+ years never had issue.
A buddy of mine had this issue in his tikka magazine as well, almost flattened all the way to the copper, not a little ding after shooting it.

My guess is caused by recoil from a light rifle and the spring in the magazine doesn’t feel really stiff.

I use partitions almost exclusively now and a little bit is normal on most rifles. If it’s really large flat spot it did on his.
My A-Bolt 300 Win Mag did the same thing with any exposed lead (partitions, A-Frames). I would always swap them out for ‘fresh’ rounds and use the others for target practice. More out of superstition the anything.

Like others have said, I think the effect on accuracy is minimal but a polymer tip would prevent it.

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Do you roll your own? I believe you can buy the 'PP' (protected point) partitions that come with a slightly flattened point, in 180gn
They're designed to prevent this from happening. It just ensures nose uniformity, but it really makes no difference. I'm sure yours will shoot exactly the same.
Do you roll your own? I believe you can buy the 'PP' (protected point) partitions that come with a slightly flattened point, in 180gn
They're designed to prevent this from happening. It just ensures nose uniformity, but it really makes no difference. I'm sure yours will shoot exactly the same.

I am using the Spitzers. Frankly, I did not know the PP existed. According to the Nosler website, the BC for the 180 gr Spitzer is .474, while the BC for the 180 gr PP is .361. Splitting hairs at this point, I know. But, my flattened bullets certainly look more like a PP than a Spitzer now. While this slight difference will not make or break even a long distance shot, I think I still may make the move to Accubonds just to ensure uniformity.
Accubonds flatten and even chip (maybe it was cold?) in my Tikka 300wm. Like has already been said, doesnt affect accuracy as far as ive seen. More just annoying if youve got an OCD streak.
Any exposed lead tip bullet will flatten over the length of a hunting season. Even accubonds and eld-x polymer tipped bullets deform a smidge also. A season with my rifles riding in the scabbard on my saddle and bullets can get bounced around really good during hunting season. If I have poly tipped bullet I just make sure they're not broke or bent. Lead tipped, I may have to roll them around on something hard to form a tip again if they get really flat, such as when I have a lead tip spitzer loaded in my 338 win.. I usually will rotate shells around in my magazine. I'll tell you the flattened tip spitzer bullet will kill elk just as well as a pointed tip spitzer.
Any exposed lead tip bullet will flatten over the length of a hunting season. Even accubonds and eld-x polymer tipped bullets deform a smidge also.

This is true. These are bullets I pulled from some loaded rounds. They had been in my magazine while I was developing a new load.

Hopefully you can see the deformed tips.

These are 200 gr. Accubonds. 300 Win Mag.


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