Sold 300 Win Mag custom, Rem 700, Proof carbon barrel, lightweight

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This is such a shame . I really liked the pictures of your rifle and I live in the same state. I was trying to buy your rifle last year in Oct. but it took forever for you to respond to me . And since I drew a deer tag I had to buy something. Wish I could have held out and bought yours. Very nice rifle …
Very sorry about that. I had a busy fall hunting schedule and was not very diligent getting back to you. I apologize.
It’s fine just very surprised that the rifle is still for sale. Good luck on your sale. I bought a Christensen arms Ridgeline in 300 win mag and I am not that impressed by the way it shoots.
For trades, I am looking for some new glass specifically Swarovski EL Range TA 10x42 binos or Swarovski 12x50 NL Pure binos plus cash on my end obviously. Can't think of any other trades I am interested in.
its a nice rifle, been for sale for a year...maybe show how well it shoots with a few groups on a target at 200 yards or something. 2500 for a unproven rifle build is a lot of money to chance
its a nice rifle, been for sale for a year...maybe show how well it shoots with a few groups on a target at 200 yards or something. 2500 for a unproven rifle build is a lot of money to chance
It was for sale previously, and I had a few different buyers wanting to purchase it last fall. Unfortunately or fortunately for me, I had some super quality hunts in Arizona and dropped off the face of the earth while those hunts were occurring.

I am not using the rifle. It is just sitting in the gun safe. I don’t need to sell it. I would just rather it move on to someone who will use it rather than have it take up space and remain unused.

I did test fire the rifle. As mentioned in the ad, it shot a generic load of H1000 with 208 Eldm bullets extremely well. I did not measure or take pics, but 3 shot groups were one ragged hole. A future buyer would not be disappointed by the accuracy of this rig as it was well under 0.5 moa.
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