It especially ran wild after Proof dropped Curtis actions as a prefit option because they did not hold tolerances tightly enough during production. The Valor came out after that specifically advertising tolerances acceptable for prefits. Before that even, the rumor mill was running about customer service and defects. I know two guys that had problems with galling on lugs with brand new actions because of a heat treat issue. They were given the run around at first, but eventually they went back and were replaced. It was after that when Joel left Curtis and started Terminus. So, Terminus is the favored version on the Hide. (All allegedly).
I like the shorter bolt throw to keep away from my scope which are larger and further back than typical. When I get on a 90 degree bolt throw, that is the main difference I feel. Most 90 degree rifles don't feel any stiffer bolt open, but there are some customs that certainly are lighter and smoother. The difference is really on the leverage difference over a shorter primary extraction cam and cocking the firing pin. I do know that going from the 16 lb spring in my original Nuke to the 19 lb spring made a difference I could feel. And, the 21 lb spring is almost unacceptable to me. It was interesting to feel the difference with the Archimedes that only has firing pin cocking on the bolt open because extraction was on the lever.
If you have stiff bolt close it can be because of timing issues or it is designed for cock on close. I messed with a Howa 1500, and the three I looked at had quite a bit of cock on close so that it was harder to close the bolt than on my Nucleus.
It is amusing to see distinct personalities on the different forums. I just try to sift through it all for usable information.
Like you , I have run Nucleus actions with a 70ish bolt throw, and don't find enough of a difference to matter to me between it and a 90 degree, even though there are 90 degree bolt throws out there that take less effort.
If you want to run a Curtis, I know guys who really like theirs and haven't had any problems. But, based on conversations with people who have dealt with both companies, Terminus is where I would buy from with more confidence. Customer service seems more responsive and I understand Joel made tweaks to the Terminus actions that improved reliability and function. This is first hand from shooters, not the Hide. In the end, I buy ARC actions, but there are those that don't like Ted who runs it, lol. Same everywhere.