I've been meaning to do a write up, was planning on doing a pretty thorough one but got busy. I figured I do a summary before I forget everything! A big thanks to @Broomd @coop22250 and a few others on the stock trader thread. The Canada portion of this trip was completely funded with covid market profits and I was able to give me Dad a heck of a retirement gift! Also worth noting this was my Dad's first archery hunt. I had talked him into gettting a bow about a year prior to open up more opportunities for tags.
I booked an archery moose hunt for my father and I in Alberta around 11/2020 for 9/17-22-21. When booking I was obviously aware of covid but the outfitter and myself assumed it wouldn't be an issue by September of 21. Man were we wrong. Leading up to the hunt was pretty stressful. The border was closed, we didn't know if it would open, I was scrambling to figure out an alternative hunt since my dad had those days off anyways. The border ended up opening the month before we left. Crossing was anything but simple (driving) but after 3 covid tests, scrambling for results, a detention and thorough search at the border, we made it across with a day to spare!
I booked an archery moose hunt for my father and I in Alberta around 11/2020 for 9/17-22-21. When booking I was obviously aware of covid but the outfitter and myself assumed it wouldn't be an issue by September of 21. Man were we wrong. Leading up to the hunt was pretty stressful. The border was closed, we didn't know if it would open, I was scrambling to figure out an alternative hunt since my dad had those days off anyways. The border ended up opening the month before we left. Crossing was anything but simple (driving) but after 3 covid tests, scrambling for results, a detention and thorough search at the border, we made it across with a day to spare!
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