2nd Chamois with the bow


Dec 20, 2013
South Island New Zealand
2 months after i got my first Chamois with the bow I finally have got my 2nd.
Was an interesting and frustrating hunt as always is with the cheeky Chamois.

While hunting with my friend(adam) he spotted this doe about 40yards below us on the river bed. we couldnt get a shot from our position because of a few small trees in the way.
She was bedded down but as we were getting into a better position she got up and started moving down the river bed.
We quickly got down to her level and with the wind in our face started to follow her tracks hoping to catch her up.
We saw her about 100 yards away heading into a small "island" of bush in the river bed.
Quickly closing the gap to the island we had her walk past us both at 15 yards but because of the thick bush we couldnt get a shot away.

We hatched a plan for Adam to watch the track leaving the "island" while I tried to stalk her in the bush. If I caught up with her I would shoot and if she spooked he would try get a shot as she escaped. Seemed like a good plan.

After walking over the whole island twice and neither of us seeing a thing we thought she must have busted out when we were not watching.

We continued up the valley for about another hour, seeing no other animals.

On the walk home we casually chatting and thought we had missed our chance but as we were passing the "island" something caught my eye.
It was her!
Some how she was in pretty much the same spot and was staring straight at us.
We got into some cover and closed the gap to 45 yards.
She took a few steps forward and quartered toward us. now was my chance.
I sent an arrow her way at 43yards.
We saw a complete pass through and she ran about 20 yards into the river bed on very wobbly feet and bedded down and bled out.

It was a pretty hard shot for me as I have only been shooting a bow for 3 months and 40 yards seems a long way still.
We had done alot of practice the night before out to 50 yards and I was feeling really confident.
The shot went through one lung,liver and her guts as she was hard quartering toward me

Any way here are some pics


Congrats! I always wanted to hunt chammy in Austria when I was still living in Europe. Now, I guess, Aotearoa is a lot more likely.
Awesome stuff mate - I love hunting Chamois but I've only taken one.

Looks like fantastic chamois country especially that big fresh slip. Were you on the west coast?

That is so awesome!!! Would love to jsut go down there and help be a packer on a hunt down in "Middle Earth" Awesome looking country! Congrats on taking them wary critters with a bow...very impressive!
That is so awesome!!! Would love to jsut go down there and help be a packer on a hunt down in "Middle Earth" Awesome looking country! Congrats on taking them wary critters with a bow...very impressive!

to hell with being just a packer. come down for a hunt! i'd love to do a trade-a-hunt, shame about the non resident laws in AK though. tahr and chamois for a sheep or goat, hell yeah!
That's so awesome! Thanks for sharing. So many places and creatures I'd like to hunt in this lifetime and so little time. It's great to see photos and stories from hunts that are different than the norm for a Midwest US boy.
Very cool ! Thanks for sharing. I don't have any appreciation of how tough the chamois are to hunt but the land looks amazing. If they are half as tough to hunt as those mountains look to hunt in then thats quite an accomplishment.
NZ is definitely a dream hunt. Just to experience the terrain there would be incredible. Great pics and congrats on an awesome archery trophy.
Congratulations! Never seen one of those things, but I think it's safe to say anything with "goat" or "sheep" in it's name is going to be quite an accomplishment.
to hell with being just a packer. come down for a hunt! i'd love to do a trade-a-hunt, shame about the non resident laws in AK though. tahr and chamois for a sheep or goat, hell yeah!

Yeah hunting down there could be fun. But honestly, just getting to go down and experience NZ is on my list of things to do. Getting to just tag along on a mountain hunt like that (and maybe even get to bring the packrafts to do it) would be an outstanding time!