270 WSM or 7mm

I didn't realize the OP was limiting himself to Remington SPS's, did I miss something? That's not where I'd look for a lightweight rifle.

Here's a link to the specs for a Kimber .270 WSM, Well over a pound lighter than the Remington 26-inch barreleled 7 RM:


Personally, I don't care for 26" barrels, even if they weigh the same as a 24" or shorter barrel. They just don't handle as well. "Better" and "best" are very subjective and velocity is just one factor in a multitude of trade-offs. And IMHO, not the most important by a long shot.

Edited to add, I was wrong in my post above, a 26" barrel will not get an extra 100 fps over a 26" barrel, closer to 50 fps.

As I said in my first post about barrel length I do like long barrels and it might of help had you posted what you like and dislike about them and OP seen two sides instead of play word game better/best.
If we're going down a pig trail into the weeds then how about a Kimber Montana in 280 AI ? About ideal for elk , 5lbs 10oz . About 99% of what a 7 mag can get out of a 24" barrel and 7mm bullet family. Has a cool factor like the wsm .
If we're going down a pig trail into the weeds then how about a Kimber Montana in 280 AI ? About ideal for elk , 5lbs 10oz . About 99% of what a 7 mag can get out of a 24" barrel and 7mm bullet family. Has a cool factor like the wsm .

I wouldn't argue with that, I was just trying to stick with the question the OP asked. Personally, I really like the '06-based AI family of cartridges, I think they're an ideal balance between velocity and recoil.
The barrel length is 24 in both. I'm thinking the WSM in 24 inch barrel is equal to or better than 7mm in 24 inch barrel. The ballistics are the same or better. Everyone seems to be making a big deal out go .07 larger bullet.

Its not a big deal, but you asked about the difference. I don't know what you mean by "equal to or better," are you talking about muzzle velocity, trajectory, energy, or all of the above?

A lot of these questions depend on bullet selection, of which the 7 mm has more variety, and higher performing bullets that will work with factory barrels.

It sounds like you want a 270 WSM though, and if that is what you want, that is a good enough reason to get one. It is a perfectly capable elk cartridge.
As I said in my first post about barrel length I do like long barrels and it might of help had you posted what you like and dislike about them and OP seen two sides instead of play word game better/best.

It's not a word game. It's just a trade-off between 50 more fps and a bettter-handling rifle. It all depends on what's most important to you.
So the high bc bullets will require a fast twist in either caliber, right? I will be using a stock rifle, no custom barrel.
So the high bc bullets will require a fast twist in either caliber, right? I will be using a stock rifle, no custom barrel.


Generally, factory twist barrels will stabilize bullets with higher BCs in the 7, while bullets with comparable BCs in the 270 require faster non-factory twist rates.
The standard 7mm factory twist is 1 in 9.5 or 1 in 9 which will cover you for all the 7mm bullets up to 168 vlds or 180 vlds. The factory 270 twist is 1 in 10 which covers up to the 150 vlds. The new high bc bullets for the 270 need faster than factory twist to stabilize.
There is one exception to the factory 7mm twist rate but its not made anymore. Some older savage short actions came with a 1 in 11 twist but all the new ones come with 1 in 9.5.