.270 Win - Wiley - help please

D Lee

Jan 4, 2014

On this site, I posted my 30-06 update a short time ago. VERY happy with my T3x Laminated stainless. 1.5 lb trigger is superb. Rifle and Vx5-HD are grouping my handloads well under MOA – 5 shot groups. For 5 decades – I load strictly by the numbers in the Reloading Manuals. No desire to change.

The 30-06 has now been joined with another T3x Laminated stainless in .270 Win. 2 identical rifles.

One role of this .270 is for Coyote hunting. Something I’m “told” the 270 “can” excel at with the right bullets and loads. After a LOT of study on this (right or maybe wrong ??), for the long distance work (500+ yards) I skipped the 90 gr and 100 gr options. Putting my faith in the 110 gr V Max for Coyote only. I have my other 130gr / 150 gr bullets chosen for other BG below Elk. The 30-06 handles that work.

Please don’t ask me to consider another cartridge because it would be a more advantageous Varmint cartridge. You’d be right. I very carefully chose and bought this cartridge to be a dual purpose rifle. Am confident I made the right decision and now own it – so let’s stay with the 270. Thanks.

I’m well stocked with both H and IMR 4350’s for my Wiley load development. Asking for any “first-hand” personal .270 experience with this load development using the V Max. Powder? Velocities? Accuracy? Ranges? Your personal Wiley hunting results.

Thank you kindly.

God Bless America!!!


Nov 25, 2018
Tulsa, OK
Hopefully you will receive some information as I just acquired a .270 Win. We know every rifle has a different preference for loads but would you please share your favorite 150 gr. recipe with me as I want to load up some to utilize for my November 2025 deer hunting. I’m a big Jack O’Conner fan!


Sep 10, 2023
Tx panhandle
I ran somewhere around 300 110gr V-Max out of my savage stainless 270 wsm. That thing was a lot of fun on coyotes crows and prairie dogs. Very hard on the barrel at 3500fps but fun


Jan 28, 2015
I've run 126 Hammer Hunters out of my 270 win. 57 grains of IMR 4451 (very, very similar to H4350), mag primer, Hornady brass, 3240 fps. I set at 300 yard zero, it's point and shoot to ~340 yards. It is a bit expensive tho.

You could also just shoot ELD-X. They are cheaper, super accurate, and you could shoot a long way with them on yotes. Will perform better in the wind too. I get around 2900 fps with that 145 ELDX.
May 24, 2012
wet side of Washington
When I was a younger man, I had only one rifle. It was a m77 Ruger in 270 Winchester, and it LOVED 130gr Sierra spbt. pushed a little more than the manual said to. Was a 1/2" gun at most. I used it on everything from head shots on grouse to elk. It was hard on pelts if I didn't do my part, but it never let me down. Still take it out sometimes and it's still a tack driver...literally.

D Lee

Jan 4, 2014
Thank you for your replies. Much appreciated.

Yota: Starting long ago - I have read JOC's books and articles each at least a few dozen times. Another reason why I chose the 270 for all my intermediate BG hunting.

To answer your .270 questions, please open and study:
Choose your favorite bullet. I did. Not for Coyote but for everything else with THIS rifle: 130 & 150 gr Nosler Partition depending on what I am hunting.

Once YOU have chosen, go to THAT manufacturer's reloading manual and follow their guidelines.

Highly, highly recommend Nathan Foster's books. His website is an encyclopedia on cartridges - all info based on first hand experiences. Very informative from a great writer.

I'm headed to the range this morning with a few V Max hand loads. Will update.

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D Lee

Jan 4, 2014
Wiley rifle / bullet update.

First - shot a few more 30-06 rounds with this T3x Laminated stainless. 5 rounds of 168 gr TMK @ 100 yards - tight .5 MOA CTC measurement. This rifle just keeps on giving. :)

The .270 with 110 gr V Max - 3 loads right out of the H manual. Temp in the mid 40's, no wind > kept the barrel cool between well spaced shots over a few hours. 3rd load - 5 rounds - shot best - about .75 MOA. Tho certainly respectable and Wiley workable - was hoping for better with this bullet. Already know the rifle / scope will shoot the 130 SST .5 MOA. Thought the 110 might do that as well?

Knowing the rifle is capable of .5 MOA - will do some more work with this 110. If the next trip to the range says this is the best this rifle and bullet will do - will just use the 130 SST and call it a day. The SST work makes this rifle a keeper too.

For anyone who believes I'm unnecessarily fussing over some good accuracy here - you're right. It's just my personal way of doing things with my rifles. NOT necessary but sure does help my confidence when the Wiley ranges get long - 500+ yards. :) BTW - FWIW - I don't / won't shoot any BG animal beyond 400 - my strict limit.

Thanks for visiting. Local SC hunt coming up in 2 weeks so have to get this Wiley prep work done.

My hunting partner wants us to find a good Coyote guide East of the Mississippi. Any suggestions from those with first-hand experience would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks.

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Aug 21, 2016
I don't have any load help for you, but several years ago I used the Sierra 110gr Game King on several whitetails. They worked great. I've moved on from the .270 for coyotes, but it was my first rifle, and it still sits in my safe.


Jul 12, 2023

On this site, I posted my 30-06 update a short time ago. VERY happy with my T3x Laminated stainless. 1.5 lb trigger is superb. Rifle and Vx5-HD are grouping my handloads well under MOA – 5 shot groups. For 5 decades – I load strictly by the numbers in the Reloading Manuals. No desire to change.

The 30-06 has now been joined with another T3x Laminated stainless in .270 Win. 2 identical rifles.

One role of this .270 is for Coyote hunting. Something I’m “told” the 270 “can” excel at with the right bullets and loads. After a LOT of study on this (right or maybe wrong ??), for the long distance work (500+ yards) I skipped the 90 gr and 100 gr options. Putting my faith in the 110 gr V Max for Coyote only. I have my other 130gr / 150 gr bullets chosen for other BG below Elk. The 30-06 handles that work.

Please don’t ask me to consider another cartridge because it would be a more advantageous Varmint cartridge. You’d be right. I very carefully chose and bought this cartridge to be a dual purpose rifle. Am confident I made the right decision and now own it – so let’s stay with the 270. Thanks.

I’m well stocked with both H and IMR 4350’s for my Wiley load development. Asking for any “first-hand” personal .270 experience with this load development using the V Max. Powder? Velocities? Accuracy? Ranges? Your personal Wiley hunting results.

Thank you kindly.

God Bless America!!!
The 270 has killed a huge number of coyotes - while not a coyote bullet, non of them walked away from a 130 gr ballistic tip when it was my primary do everything rifle. I’d shoot whatever bullet, of whatever weight, that is the most accurate - they are a pretty small target at long range. :)

D Lee

Jan 4, 2014
My knowing the 30-06 is always available with its 180 & 200 gr bullets - the .270 Win makes for a solid, strongly usable companion. As said awhile back, my goal was to get down to 1 (2?) BG rifles. Goal achieved to cover as many bases as possible - for my personal hunting requirements. Some $$$ hunts on my Bucket List will just have to wait.

I keep resisting purchasing a dedicated Varmint rifle / cartridge. This 270 is already showing sub MOA groups with the 130 SST. TP - if I can't get the 110's down to some consistent sub MOAs, I may try a Sierra or a BT. Will decide on final Wiley bullet weight later - knowing the SST will work, adding its own LR advantages for Wiley hunting.

Thanks for visiting. Have a good day everyone.

D Lee

Jan 4, 2014
It's Thurs - 8:30 PM - EST.

TP's quote:
The 270 has killed a huge number of coyotes - while not a coyote bullet, none of them walked away from a 130 gr ballistic tip when it was my primary do everything rifle.

As all this is for Coyote only:
1. Thanks TP. Following your advice - bought 1 box 130 BTs today. Can always put its advantages to good use - maybe sooner than later? TBD
2. Because I'm OCD about accuracy (an understatement) - and the Coyote is a relatively small animalI - I also picked up a box of Sierra 115 gr BTHP MK - a true target bullet. See what happens at the range. Ever hopeful. TBD

Will update on range results - probably early next week - maybe sooner if I can escape and the wind dies down. :)

I'm optimistic. Confident in my gear - just need the right load / bullet with .5 MOA the goal.

Hope all this might be helping another .270 fan in some way. Good, bad or ugly - my updates will be truthful.



Aug 21, 2016
I keep resisting purchasing a dedicated Varmint rifle / cartridge.
Don't resist the purchase of a Varmint rifle. There is nothing more enjoyable than sending a bunch of rounds down range out of a 22 center-fire rifle. At one time my .270 was my only rifle then I added a 22-250 with the idea that if I had a coyote specific rifle, I would spend more time coyotes hunting. That's exactly what happened, I sent way more time coyote hunting than big game hunting. I loved shooting that 22-250, so much so that I actually shot the barrel out. Now it wears a Hart 22-250AI barrel, still my favorite rifle to shoot!

D Lee

Jan 4, 2014

I can't argue with your suggestion. So MANY great Varmint cartridges. My ownership list of 4 or 5 of those cartridges / rifles is long.

Almost 80, this year's goal was to get down to 1 hunting rifle. I did. The 30-06 will shoot .25 MOA regularly - but not with lighter bullets below 150 gr for Wiley. A LONG time fan of the .243 Win - I had a hard time choosing the 2nd cartridge. The 243 in my safe was the most accurate rifle I ever owned. Sold to meet my goal of 1 rifle. Goal needed to be adjusted.

I read many who love their .270 for Coyote. Sealed the deal - and here I am. With my goal to minimize my battery, I'm staying with 2 rifles. If I can get this 270 to shoot sub MOA - with 130 gr or preferably under - it stays. If not?

Just for Wiley now - loading the SMK 115 BTHP today.

Thanks again.



Jul 12, 2023
It's Thurs - 8:30 PM - EST.

TP's quote:
The 270 has killed a huge number of coyotes - while not a coyote bullet, none of them walked away from a 130 gr ballistic tip when it was my primary do everything rifle.

As all this is for Coyote only:
1. Thanks TP. Following your advice - bought 1 box 130 BTs today. Can always put its advantages to good use - maybe sooner than later? TBD
2. Because I'm OCD about accuracy (an understatement) - and the Coyote is a relatively small animalI - I also picked up a box of Sierra 115 gr BTHP MK - a true target bullet. See what happens at the range. Ever hopeful. TBD

Will update on range results - probably early next week - maybe sooner if I can escape and the wind dies down. :)

I'm optimistic. Confident in my gear - just need the right load / bullet with .5 MOA the goal.

Hope all this might be helping another .270 fan in some way. Good, bad or ugly - my updates will be truthful.

You brought back fond memories of sage covered foothills, soils that were either powdery fine dust or gumbo mud, and all the fun with that 270. Deer, antelope, coyotes, rock chucks, prairie dogs, badger. . . what a treat to get to know the cartridge. It was also the time period a mostly unused informal 450 yard range was 5 minutes from home and it was visited a couple times a week all year. I began really liking the 300 yard zero and still do - holding a fist width under for 100 and 200 yard shots, or a fist over for 350 seemed easy enough, and very quick.

Unfortunately for the 270, a 243 came along and it was much more pleasant to shoot on large volume prairie dog days. Then a 22-250 with a dialable 12x varmint scope - many older relatives were quite adamant that was the only proper coyote medicine for a dedicated gun.

In the last few years, after being bombarded with marketing and stories of how great the 6.5 PRC is, I picked one up and have thought it will kill the 270 as the stereotypical western deer and antelope rifle. However, with a 300 yard zero and 140 gr bullets in both it and the 270, they are neck and neck at 500 yards - no real advantage to either, but both are great. Shooters nor the animal would be able to tell the difference. lol

I like the way you think about group size - shooting for a specific goal is a faster way to get results. No need to shoot 10 round groups if the first two shots are above your goal - simply on to the next combination - additional rounds will never make the group shrink. :)

D Lee

Jan 4, 2014
Thanks TP - have lots of 270 memories as well, up and down the East coast tho. I thought I was the only one who favored a 300 yard zero for the exact same advantages you gave. :cool: KISS works all day and twice on Sundays. As does the .270 Win!

Well.......the wind is howling so no shooting today. Quiet here so - before I opened the box - I put some time on studying the 115 BTHP SMK for "hunting" Wiley. Not going to open the box. Returning it, likely today. Will continue load development with the 110 gr V Max. Not sure about smart - but I am tenacious.

With good Wiley reviews - the 130 gr SST showing promise. At the shop yesterday - also picked up the 130 gr BT < for Wiley accuracy development. TBD.

Hope all is well folks and, in some way, you find these updates useful. Will update when next range visit completed. I know this rifle can do it. It's up to me.


D Lee

Jan 4, 2014
FWIW to 270 Win fans.......

The .270 isn't the quintessential Varmint cartridge. However...there are a few who sing its praises for that use. And why I risked purchasing the Tikka Laminated in this cartridge, along with the cartridge's other long-confirmed advantages.

Determined to get the most accuracy out of this rifle with a 110 gr bullet - strictly for Wiley - the TTSX didn't work and I've had mixed results with the V Max. Until today. V Max - found the load, staying inside Hornady manual - powder, grains, COAL. Just off of max with H4350. Two - 5 shot groups - both .5 MOA @ 100.

Not bench rest stuff mind you but - for hunting - my personal accuracy goal met. Extremely pleased I purchased the rifle I did and stayed with this bullet a little longer. For short and LR opportunities, it's all on me now.

Thanks for visiting.

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