270 Win Twist Rates?

After discussion with someone with extensive experience who has tried 8s, 9s and 10s, he recommended 1:9 as the best option.
I went with a 1:8 twist, 22” carbon six barrel. Going to be taking a close look at the new Barnes LRX 155gr .277 bullets just announced, should handle nearly any situation I come across from antelope to elk? Anyone have any other good ideas on do all, fast twist bullet?
Curious if you have an update for how this barrel change went? I am also considering rebarreling my 270. I love the cartridge, but want a threaded barrel to be able to add a supressor or brake. Was very curious about the newer faster twist barrels that might be good for the 150gr ABLR.
The 150gr ABLR shot great out of my factory length M70 .270. I haven’t shot them since I chopped it but everything else that shot good before still does.
Have you two aligned on what a fudd is so you can effectively determine which is fuddier? Do we have a fuddiness scale?
Is there a general "this twist for this bullet range in lead core bullets in 270 cal"? I'm assuming non lead bullets are longer to make weight.
I'm wanting to shoot elk, and also have fairly light deer and practice rounds.
Is there a general "this twist for this bullet range in lead core bullets in 270 cal"? I'm assuming non lead bullets are longer to make weight.
I'm wanting to shoot elk, and also have fairly light deer and practice rounds.
1:10 twist barrels tend to stabilize lead projectiles up to 150gr if they're sleek and 160 grains if it's an old style round nose/flat base bullet.

145 ELD-X and 150 ABLR are the two highest BC bullets that typically stabilize at sea level in 1:10 twist barrels.

Copper bullets are a different story, 115-130 grains tends to be the ceiling for most coppers in a 1:10 barrel.
1-8 on my 270 stabilizes the 170 Berger with no issues. Been a fun long range twist on a classic caliber.
I rebarreled a Rem 700 stainless 270 Win Mountain rifle last year with a 1:9 Benchmark. I didn't intend to shoot the long heavies, I just wanted to make sure I wasn't marginal for stabilization and leaving BC on the table for some of the borderline bullets like the 150 ABLR, 145 ELDX, and the 150 VLD.

As it turned out, the rifle shot the 165 ABLR well. I haven't played with it a lot, but it actually seems to like the 130g bullets better than the 150g bullets. Powder charges, pressure, and velocity seem to track the same as a normal 270 barrel.
I have two 1:9 Pac-Nor's and they shoot everything pretty good but I wish they were 1:8 or even 1:7. I shoot all copper so I don't think I can over twist going from my experience with other calibers and fast twist.
@BDWMT What col do those 170’s come out to? Any issues with magazine length and feeding?
OAL with the Berger 170 is 3.520” with 0.025” of jump. Absolutely no issues with feeding through a standard mag box and follower. It’s been an easy cartridge so far. My hunting partner built one as well with similar results. I can share load data if desired.