.270 Win or .300 WM

.270 for sure. Those two cartridges have similar trajectory, but speed goats aren't that big and you'll most likely get more range time with the 270 as it's easier to shoot.
.270 for sure. Those two cartridges have similar trajectory, but speed goats aren't that big and you'll most likely get more range time with the 270 as it's easier to shoot.
Besides with 270 you don't have to worry about you bullet passing through the pronghorn and killing someone three counties over.
If your Axis shoots like my 6.5CM Savage, it is a sub-MOA gun with Hornady 143g ELD-x bullets. If you don't reload, their Precision Hunter line comes with that bullet.

Just put on a better scope and you are good to go. (You are probably ok with the existing scope. I just wouldn't trust for a long shot)
Thats my plan down the road. I had my maven rs1 on it and it shot great but i bought a browning xbolt and took off The rs1 and put it on the xbolt. I spent to much on optics this year so i want to put off buying a scope tell next year for the creed. I decided im using the xbolt 300 wsm after pwople saying it wont blow ip the antelope to bad as lo g as i avoid shoulder shooting it. But in a perfect workd id do exactly that and put good glass on the creed and use that
My first goat hunt was using a Remy XCR in .308 250 yards DRT, my hunting buddy was using a ruger in 300 win. mag 552 yard shot with a 180 gr. Hornady SST bullet DRT, I LIKE THE 300 WIN. MAG but as stated watch the wind and the 270 will definetly get it done. Surprised neither goat was shot up bad.
300 WM but a 338 cal variant is more gooder. Antelope are big animals and can soak up quite a bit.
True. May want to push it up to a .460 Weatherby. Since he'll be in WY he may be in griz country. A .460 is a great all-around pronghorn/bear defense round.
Reporting back now that i shot my antelope. I used the 300 wsm with 200 grain terminal ascents. I also shot a deer with similiar results. There was a 50 cent piece approximently through the entire animal on both ocations. But by no means did that bullet grenade the meat which i was pleased with and both animals didnt take a step. I even clipped both scapulas on the antelope and it didnt result in much meat loss.
The two deer i shot woth the creedmore in 143 eldx both times the oposite shoulders where almost completely blown up and blood shot.
Those are my small hand fuls of experimeces with these caibers good lick to any future guys in the same bullet/caliber dilema
I’ve had two experiences hunting antelope with a 300 that lead me to buying a smaller caliber. If I had a choice I wouldn’t take a 300 but if I had to I’d be really selective with shot placement and the bullet I used.

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I've killed pronghorn at 500 yds with a 6mm Rem. Its plenty of gun. Almost no gun is too big if you go thru the ribs on both sides, but hit the shoulders with a 300 WM and you have made a mess. I think a .270 is a great choice, but you need to use the gun you are comfortable with.
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I've shot several antelope and always use my 300WM and it puts them down and so far I've had zero damage. It's the rifle I use for everything so it's what I'm good with. So many people think it'll blow up the antelope but it's always a hole in and a bit bigger hole out. I guess shoot what your good with.
i own both cartridges and I would lean towards 270 or 300 with a litter bullet unless you need to shoot a little farther distance in a windy situation. Either will do the job just don't hit the shoulder or hind quarter with the 300 and you will be fine. A good bullet and a well place shot with either will do the job.
As everyone else is saying, 300 WM is way too much for antelope. The guys I know that are using that caliber are road hunters taking off hand shots at 600+ yards just hoping to hit any part of the animal and when they do get lucky and connect half the meat is wasted. Smaller caliber combined with better shooting gets my vote.
As everyone else is saying, 300 WM is way too much for antelope. The guys I know that are using that caliber are road hunters taking off hand shots at 600+ yards just hoping to hit any part of the animal and when they do get lucky and connect half the meat is wasted. Smaller caliber combined with better shooting gets my vote.
Seems like pretty ridiculous statement. I shoot everything with my 300 and have never lost half of an antelope, half a deer, quarter of an elk, etc. It's just a bullet not an exploding projectile. Never shot anything past 400 yards and I've seen some serious damage from small calibers. Seriously, everyone you know that owns a 300 WM is a road hunter and shoots 600 yards off hand???